Simulation compares Bitcoin cloud mining opportunity ( to HODL. The model does not calculate with mining difficulty, pool's efficiency and changes in fees. Using monthly cloud fees as of the end of November 2017.  Used for m
Simulation compares Bitcoin cloud mining opportunity ( to HODL.
The model does not calculate with mining difficulty, pool's efficiency and changes in fees. Using monthly cloud fees as of the end of November 2017.
Used for mining calculations.

Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Monetary theory (MMT) has shown how modern monetary systems actually work. It
has shown  that governments that issue
their own currency, such as the US, can never run out of money or be forced to
default on debt issued in their own currency. It has also demonstrated that
government spending t
Modern Monetary theory (MMT) has shown how modern monetary systems actually work. It has shown  that governments that issue their own currency, such as the US, can never run out of money or be forced to default on debt issued in their own currency. It has also demonstrated that government spending to stimulate the economy is logical and that the resulting deficit is irrelevant - the government always has the monetary means to eliminate it. This directly contradicts neoliberal doctrine that wants to limit government spending and posits that deficits destabilize the economy. Neoliberalism often constitutes a 'worldview' and 'personal identity'. Those who hold such strong beliefs cannot be persuaded to abandon them using rational arguments and facts - psychological reasons usually impede it as research has shown. The worldwide dominance of the doctrine, vested interests and psychologically grounded opposition suffocate MMT and rational arguments showing its superiority are seemingly of no avail. 

Just recently, there was a huge problem that ended about C8, a deadly chemical, that was poured into lakes and rivers by DuPont, a company that sold nylon. This chemical caused a huge consensus, many birth defects, and cows with green insides spraying blood from many places.
Just recently, there was a huge problem that ended about C8, a deadly chemical, that was poured into lakes and rivers by DuPont, a company that sold nylon. This chemical caused a huge consensus, many birth defects, and cows with green insides spraying blood from many places.
Causal loop diagram illustrating a variety of feedback loops influencing the price of oil.
Causal loop diagram illustrating a variety of feedback loops influencing the price of oil.
How revenue effected with changing class numbers
How revenue effected with changing class numbers
Τυπική ή προκαταβολική πληρωμή δανείου;
Τυπική ή προκαταβολική πληρωμή δανείου;
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
10 months ago
Practicing modelling by building a personal financial model.
Practicing modelling by building a personal financial model.
A model of some of the most important KPIs in a startup's business model.
A model of some of the most important KPIs in a startup's business model.
6 3 months ago
THE BROKEN LINK BETWEEN SUPPLY AND DEMAND CREATES TURBULENT CHAOTIC DESTRUCTION  The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed  Growth in supply and productivity is a summation of variables as is demand ... when the link between them is broken by catastrophic failure in a compon

The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed

Growth in supply and productivity is a summation of variables as is demand ... when the link between them is broken by catastrophic failure in a component the creation of unpredictable chaotic turbulence puts the controls ito a situation that will never return the system to its initial conditions as it is STIC system (Lorenz)

The chaotic turbulence is the result of the concept of infinite bigness this has been the destructive influence on all empires and now shown up by Feigenbaum numbers and Dunbar numbers for neural netwoirks

See Guy Lakeman Bubble Theory for more details on keeping systems within finite working containers (villages communities)

Simple causal loop diagram of a compound interest savings account in Dutch.
Simple causal loop diagram of a compound interest savings account in Dutch.
Very basic stock-flow diagram of simple interest with table and graph output in interest, bank account and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal, and initial balance bank account can all be modified in Dutch.
Very basic stock-flow diagram of simple interest with table and graph output in interest, bank account and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal, and initial balance bank account can all be modified in Dutch.