This model portrays the patterns in crime and the community development within the youth of Bourke. It demonstrates the affect of community and police can have on a community. The community is willing to invest into police and a community center to benefit the community. It is trying to reduce the crime rate of the youth due to boredom and their aim is to see the benefits of having a community club. Through the model you are able to see the benefit of an increase of community investment or police or both.
Description of Model
- The model begins of a population of 1000 youth in Bourke.
- 60% of the youth are criminals.
- The convicted youth depends on the conviction rate which is reflective of the police expenditure.
- The conviction rate is at 50% though with police involvement it is increased by 10%.
- 60% of convicted criminals are released without rehabilitation.
- The remainder of convicted criminals that are rehabilitated depends on the amount of community investment.
- 40% of the youth that attend the community club are 60% less likely to end up in rehabilitation.
Adjustable Variables
Community Investment: - From 0-100 - Effective for community club use and decrease in crime rate
Police: -From 10-70 -There will always be the use of police in a city, though the police cannot have an uneven ratio to population.
Conviction Rate: -From 10-70 -There will always be conviction though through the use of police try to be the minimal as possible. Assumptions
-The population of youth is 1000.
-Only youth are commiting crime.
-There is no increase of individual risk.
-The use of community club will involve youth and decrease their crime rates.