Purpose 1 New Small Business - Cloud Support Model Purpose-To enable a visual model to acquire new business owners to adopt cloud services. Purpose 2 Cloud Service Provider Delivery Model-Service 2. The purpose of this model intends to allow a cloud service provider a way to design offers for generic use across any industry.
Outcome - Key Control for Segregation of Duties GAAP/GARP 3. The purpose of this model incorporates the variables of different components for completeness and monitoring scope for any master data update or create activity.
Outcome - Key Controls for SOX 404 Assurances Monitoring all activities for segregation of duties controls - in a control chart. The model ensures a completeness criteria for cost structuring of any new offer or acquisition integration.
GAAP-Non-GAAP Revenue The primary inputs shown on this diagram trigger the leverage points for many of the dependent processes and management of an offers revenue treatment.
Completeness - Supplies the various parts of the whole Organization or Agency models - simulations Stock and Flow models enable simulation of the proposed design with a better view into results of any proposed changes. Enterprise Architecture Value Predict changes and prepare for complexity based on the risk using the components simulated in stock and flow diagrams.
Model and simulate the "as is" and "to be" or monitor as the way to ensure your architecture stability and when investments need to be made in a next generation strategy.
Business Architecture Value Use the whole and parts (stock and flow child) to better understand the "current state" measuring the transition to the desired state on the journey to a performance model.
The model applies the rows from Enterprise Architecture as prescribed by Zachman Ontology v3. Based on the way business requirements need to be applied to technology solutions.
Row 1 - Executive - Context of the organization
Row 2 - Business Managers - Business Process connectivity
Row 3 - Architects - Systems - The transition from Business to Enterprise Architects.
Ideally-the offer management capability serves as one of 5 capabilities which must be in place to meet both financial and quality certification criteria for the majority of companies.
Highway Analogy A 5 capability model enables the audit relationships between different master record management audit log tracking for SOX to be used by quality management to align with corporate policies which intend to guide decision making within any size and any type organization or agency.
Applied The system model would be copied by an organizations resource and inputs applied to a stock and flow diagram as prescribed in associated models. Herein we must assume the whole and each of the stock and flow simulation models the component parts.