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Clone of SARS-CoV-19 model
Robert Hercock
SARS-CoV-19 spread
in different countries
- please
adjust variables accordingly
elderly population (>65): 0.228
estimated undetected cases factor: 4-11
starting population size: 60 000 000
high blood pressure: 0.32 (gbe-bund)
heart disease: 0.04 (statista)
free intensive care units: 3 100
elderly population (>65): 0.195 (bpb)
estimated undetected cases factor: 2-3 (deutschlandfunk)
starting population size: 83 000 000
high blood pressure: 0.26 (gbe-bund)
heart disease: 0.2-0.28 (herzstiftung)
free intensive care units: 5 880
elderly population (>65): 0.183 (statista)
estimated undetected cases factor: 3-5
starting population size: 67 000 000
high blood pressure: 0.3 (fondation-recherche-cardio-vasculaire)
heart disease: 0.1-0.2 (oecd)
free intensive care units: 3 000
As you wish
numbers of encounters/day: 1 = quarantine, 2-3 = practicing social distancing, 4-6 = heavy social life, 7-9 = not caring at all // default 2
practicing preventive measures (ie. washing hands regularly, not touching your face etc.): 0.1 (nobody does anything) - 1 (very strictly) // default 0.8
government elucidation: 0.1 (very bad) - 1 (highly transparent and educating) // default 0.9
Immunity rate (due to lacking data): 0 (you can't get immune) - 1 (once you had it you'll never get it again) // default 0.4
Healthy: People are not infected with SARS-CoV-19 but could still get it
Infected: People have been infected and developed the disease COVID-19
Recovered: People
have recovered from COVID-19 and can't get it again in this stage
Dead: People died because of COVID-19
Immune: People got immune and can't get the disease again
Critical recovery percentage: Chance of survival with no special medical treatment