AKHIL ARYA - 44680198
Justice Reinvestment in Bourke
Bourke is town with a population of 5000 people, that has limited offered to keep its community occupied. This has led to a lot of residents to result to mischief and violence, however, the town has had enough and decided that a change is required. Investment in both more policing and community activities is said to provide a drastic improvement in the quality of living in the suburb.
The complex system designed here details the improvements that can be made and can assist in the decision making of whether more money should be invested into policing or community activities.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->The population of Bourke remains 5000 for the entirety of this model (for simplicity). NO births or deaths. NO moving in or out.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->There will be a delay rate for personal convicted after they leave jail and rehab.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->30% of offenders are released directly back to the community, while the remaining 70% will be transferred to rehab for rehabilitation.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->All jail sentences are constant at 6 months (for simplicity)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Police: slider allows us to adjust the amount of policing involved in the town so we can observe the effect of changing police numbers corresponding to amount of crime committed. Range: 5 – 100.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Drugs and Alcohol: contribute to increase violence and crime being committed, therefore, maybe regulating the number of drugs and amount of alcohol that both minors and adults consume by police officers. Then hopefully crime can be reduced and even prevented. Range: 0 -20.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Community investment: this slider allows us to alter the amount of community investment that Bourke will invest in. Range: 0 – 1.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Sporting Investment: Sporting showed great results and improvements to the quality of living in Bourke. Keeping youths and adults occupied in rugby teams is a great time pass and great way to let off some steam for a lot of people. The slider allows us to observe the effect of these investments on the quality of living in Bourke. Range: 0 – 1.
Interesting Results:
Police Slider: 10
Drugs and Alcohol Slider: 17
Community Investment: 0
Sporting Investment: 0
With the sliders set at these numbers, we can observe a constant cycle between residents altering from jail and home, as the crime commit remains relatively constant (very slow descent).
Police Slider: 100
Drugs and Alcohol Slider: 17
Community Investment: 0
Sporting Investment: 0
With the police maxed out, the crime rate still remains relatively constant, will slight decrease but it being so small I can be considered insignificant. From this we can propose that without alternate activities for the residents of Bourke to get involved in, reforming and making a change to the suburb will be a very difficult. Investment into just policing can also be seen as not the best investment of money.