This model illustrates predator prey interactions using real-life data of wolf and moose populations on the Isle Royale.
We incorporate logistic growth into the moose dynamics, and we replace the death flow of the moose with a kill rate modeled from the kill rate data found on the Isle Royale website.
I start with these parameters: Wolf Death Rate = 0.15 Wolf Birth Rate = 0.0187963 Moose Birth Rate = 0.4 Carrying Capacity = 2000 Initial Moose: 563 Initial Wolves: 20
I used RK-4 with step-size 0.1, from 1959 for 60 years.
The moose birth flow is logistic, MBR*M*(1-M/K) Moose death flow is Kill Rate (in Moose/Year) Wolf birth flow is WBR*Kill Rate (in Wolves/Year) Wolf death flow is WDR*W