Functions to manipulate Insight Maker models.
The following is a set of API functions for Insight Maker. JavaScript is the language used for these interfaces. In addition to the Insight Maker specific functions listed here, standard JavaScript is also supported in buttons.
There are three primary avenues for making use of this API.
A number of the API function refer to primitives by their type. The following are the valid types. Types are usually quoted when used and should always be capitalized (e.g. “Stock”).
The following examples illustrate the usage of the API for certain scenarios.
Ask the user to specify a URL and opens a new web page at the location.
showURL(showPrompt("What page should I open?"));
This example expands all the folders in the model.
And this collapses them.
Show the notes for all flow and link primitives in the model.
var connectors = findType(["Flow", "Link"]); showNote(connectors);
Makes the currently selected primitives partially transparent.
setOpacity(getSelected(), 50);
This example will work with the default Insight Maker model. It prompts the user to specify the birth rate for the rabbit population. It then sets the relevant primitive to that value and runs the model.
var birthRate = showPrompt("Enter the birth rate for the rabbits:", 0.1); var birthPrimitive = findName("Rabbit Birth Rate"); setValue(birthPrimitive, birthRate); runModel();
This could also be written more compactly as
setValue(findName("Rabbit Birth Rate"), showPrompt("Enter the birth rate for the rabbits:", 0.1)); runModel();
This example creates a new model with two stocks connected by a flow.
clearModel(); var source = createPrimitive("Source", "Stock", [100, 50], [140, 50]); setValue(source, 100); //Give the source an initial value of 100 var sink = createPrimitive("Sink", "Stock", [100, 300], [140, 50]); var myFlow = createConnector("Leakage", "Flow", source, sink); setValue(myFlow, "0.1*[Source]"); //10% of the source's volume moves to the sink each time period
To access the API of an embedded IFRAME, first give the IFRAME an “id” property. This is not added by default in Insight Maker. For instance change
<IFRAME ID="InsightMakerModel1" SRC="...
Then from the parent page you can use the following JavaScript syntax to call API functions. This example calls the API’s clearModel function.
document.getElementById('InsightMakerModel1').contentWindow.postMessage("clearModel()", "*");
Insight Maker API | Functions to manipulate Insight Maker models. |
Dialogs and User Input | |
showMessage | Shows a message in a dialog window. |
showPrompt | Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides a text input for the user to enter a value. |
showChoice | Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides the user the option to click “OK” or “Cancel”. |
showURL | Creates a new web browser window and sets the URL. |
downloadFile | Downloads a file. |
showData | Creates a display to showcase data. |
frontWindow | Gets the front-most window (if one exists). |
closeAllWindows | Closes all open windows. |
openFile | Prompts the user to select one or more files on their computer. |
General Model Functions | |
runModel | Runs a simulation and optionally returns the results. |
saveModel | Saves the model. |
clearModel | Removes all primitives from the model. |
layoutModel | Reorganizes the primitives in the model according to an algorithm. |
setZoom | Sets the scale of the diagram display. |
Simulation Settings | |
getTimeStep | Gets the time step used in the simulation. |
setTimeStep | Sets the time step used in the simulation. |
getTimeStart | Gets the start time for the simulation. |
setTimeStart | Sets the start time for the simulation. |
getTimeLength | Gets the length of the simulation. |
setTimeLength | Sets the length of the simulation. |
getPauseInterval | Gets the intervals at which to pause the simulation. |
setPauseInterval | Sets the intervals at which to pause the simulation. |
getTimeUnits | Gets the time units of the simulation. |
setTimeUnits | Sets the time units of the simulation. |
getAlgorithm | Gets the algorithm for the simulation. |
setAlgorithm | Sets the algorithm of the simulation. |
getMacros | Gets the macros for the insight. |
setMacros | Sets the macros of the insight. |
Finding and Accessing Specific Primitives | |
findName | Finds and returns a primitive by its name. |
findAll | Finds and returns all primitives in the model. |
findType | Finds and returns all primitives of a specific type. |
findID | Finds and returns a primitive using its ID. |
findValue | Finds and returns all primitives whose values match a regular expression. |
findNote | Finds and returns all primitives whose notes match a regular expression. |
Create and Delete Primitives | |
createPrimitive | Creates a new primitive and adds it to the model. |
createConnector | Creates a new connector primitive and adds it to the model. |
removePrimitive | Removes a primitive from the model. |
Primitive Selections | |
highlight | Highlights a single primitive. |
getSelected | Finds and returns the currently selected primitives. |
setSelected | Sets the currently selected primitives. |
isSelected | Indicates whether a primitive is selected. |
General Primitive Functions | |
getID | Gets the ID of the passed primitive. |
getType | Gets the type of the passed primitive. |
getName | Gets the name of the passed primitive. |
setName | Sets the name of the passed primitive. |
getUnits | Gets the units of the passed primitive. |
setUnits | Sets the units of the passed primitive. |
getConstraints | Gets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation. |
setConstraints | Sets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation. |
getNote | Gets the note of the passed primitive. |
setNote | Sets the note of the passed primitive. |
showNote | Shows the note for the passed primitive. |
hideNote | Hides the note for the passed primitive. |
showEditor | Shows the value editor for the passed primitive. |
getValue | Gets the value of the passed primitive. |
setValue | Sets the value of the passed primitive. |
getSize | Gets the size of the passed primitive. |
getPosition | Gets the position of the passed primitive. |
setPosition | Sets the position of the passed primitive. |
Primitive Styling Functions | |
flash | Temporarily changes the opacity of a primitive. |
getShowSlider | Gets the show slider property of the passed primitive. |
setShowSlider | Sets the show slider property of the passed primitive. |
getSliderMin | Gets the slider min property of the passed primitive. |
setSliderMin | Sets the slider min property of the passed primitive. |
getSliderMax | Gets the slider max property of the passed primitive. |
setSliderMax | Sets the slider max property of the passed primitive. |
getSliderStep | Gets the slider step property of the passed primitive. |
setSliderStep | Sets the slider step property of the passed primitive. |
getOpacity | Gets the opacity of the passed primitive. |
setOpacity | Sets the opacity of the passed primitive. |
getLineColor | Gets the line color of the passed primitive. |
setLineColor | Sets the line color of the passed primitive. |
getFontColor | Gets the font color of the passed primitive. |
setFontColor | Sets the font color of the passed primitive. |
getFillColor | Gets the fill color of the passed primitive. |
setFillColor | Sets the fill color of the passed primitive. |
getImage | Gets the image of the passed primitive. |
setImage | Sets the image of the passed primitive. |
Stocks | |
getNonNegative | Gets the non-negative property of stocks (also applicable to flows). |
setNonNegative | Sets the non-negative value of the passed stocks (also applicable to flows). |
getStockType | Gets the type of the stock. |
setStockType | Sets the type of the passed stock. |
getDelay | Gets the delay length of conveyor stocks. |
setDelay | Sets the delay length of the passed conveyor stock. |
Connectors | See getNonNegative and setNonNegative for setting the only-positive property of flows. |
getEnds | Gets the alpha and omega for the connector |
setEnds | Sets the alpha and omega for a connector. |
connected | Determines two primitives are connected by a link, flow, or transition. |
States | |
getResidency | Gets the residency property of a state primitive. |
setResidency | Sets the residency property of a state primitive. |
Transitions and Actions | |
getTriggerType | Gets the trigger type of a transition or action. |
setTriggerType | Sets the trigger type for a transition or action. |
getTriggerValue | Gets the trigger value equation of a transition or action. |
setTriggerValue | Sets the trigger value for a transition or action. |
getTriggerRepeat | Gets the trigger Repeat property of a transition or action. |
setTriggerRepeat | Sets the trigger Repeat property for a transition or action. |
getTriggerRecalculate | Gets the trigger Recalculate property of a transition or action. |
setTriggerRecalculate | Sets the trigger Recalculate property for a transition or action. |
Converters | |
getData | Gets the data of a converter. |
setData | Sets the data of a converter. |
getConverterInput | Gets the input source of a converter. |
setConverterInput | Sets the input source of a converter. |
getInterpolation | Gets the interpolation mode of a converter. |
setInterpolation | Sets the interpolation mode of a converter. |
Buttons | |
pressButton | Simulates a press of the passed button(s) firing its action. |
Agents | |
getPopulationSize | Gets the size of the agent population. |
setPopulationSize | Sets the size of the agent population. |
getAgentBase | Gets the base agent for the population. |
setAgentBase | Sets the base agent for the population. |
getGeometryWrap | Whether the geometry should wrap across edges. |
setGeometryWrap | Sets the wrap property for the population area geometry. |
getGeometryUnits | Gets the units for the population area geometry. |
setGeometryUnits | Sets the units for the population area geometry. |
getGeometryWidth | Gets the width for the population area geometry. |
setGeometryWidth | Sets the width for the population area geometry. |
getGeometryHeight | Gets the height for the population area geometry. |
setGeometryHeight | Sets the height for the population area geometry. |
getAgentPlacement | The placement method for the agent population. |
setAgentPlacement | Sets the placement method for the agent population. |
getAgentPlacementFunction | A custom placement function for the agent population. |
setAgentPlacementFunction | Sets the custom placement function for the agent population. |
getAgentNetwork | The network method for the agent population. |
setAgentNetwork | Sets the network method for the agent population. |
getAgentNetworkFunction | A custom network function for the agent population. |
setAgentNetworkFunction | Sets the custom network function for the agent population. |
Folders | |
collapseFolder | Collapses a folder or an array of folders. |
expandFolder | Expands a folder or an array of folders. |
getCollapsed | Returns whether or not a given folder is collapsed. |
getParent | Gets the parent folder for a primitive. |
setParent | Sets the parent folder for a primitive. |
getFrozen | Gets the frozen state for a primitive. |
setFrozen | Sets the frozen state for a primitive. |
getChildren | Returns the children of a folder. |
getFolderType | Gets the type of a folder. |
setFolderType | Sets the type of a folder. |
getFolderAgentParent | Gets the agent parent of a folder. |
setFolderAgentParent | Sets the agent parent of a folder. |
getFolderSolver | |
setFolderSolver | Sets the solver object for a folder |
Utility Functions | |
excludeType | Removes a specific type of primitive from an array of primitives. |
primitiveIndex | Locates the index of a specific primitive in an array of primitives. |
uniquePrimitives | Returns the passed array with duplicated primitives removed |
setGlobal | Sets the value of a global variable. |
getGlobal | Gets the value of a global variable. |
Insight Maker Interface | |
topBarShown | Determines whether or not the Insight Maker top toolbar (which contains the Run Simulation button and other tools) is currently shown. |
toggleTopBar | Toggles the visibility of the top toolbar. |
sideBarShown | Determines whether or not the Insight Maker side panel (which contains parameter sliders and information about the selected primitive) is currently shown. |
toggleSideBar | Toggles the visibility of the side panel. |
updateSideBar | Refreshes the values in the side panel to reflect any changes in the model. |
function showPrompt( message, defaultValue )
Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides a text input for the user to enter a value.
message | The string to show as the prompt. |
defaultValue | The default value for the prompt. This parameter is optional. |
The value entered by the user.
function showChoice( message )
Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides the user the option to click “OK” or “Cancel”. Returns the value the user clicked as a boolean.
message | The string to show as the prompt. |
The value of the button clicked by the user as a boolean. “OK” is true, “Cancel” is false.
function showData( title, tabs, size )
Creates a display to showcase data. Multiple tabs of data may be shown. This function is passed an array of objects each representing an individual tab.
title | The title for the data window |
tabs | An array of tab objects |
size | The dimensions of the window in the form [width, height] (optional) |
Each tab object contains several properties.
name | The name of the tab |
type | The tab type. E.g. “text”, “HTML”, “table” or “chart” |
data | The data for the tab |
The different types of tabs are as follows.
A text tab displays a large amount of text. For a text tab, the data property should be the text string that will be displayed.
An HTML tab displays HTML content. For an HTML tab, the data property should be the HTML content that will be displayed.
A table tab displays a grid of data. For a table tab, the data object should be an array of arrays. Each inner array represents a column in the resulting table. The following property is also supported for tables.
header | For a table, an array containing the titles of the columns (optional) |
The window object that was created.
showData("Sample Data", [ {name: "I'm a Text Tab", type: "text", data: "This is a long data string..." }, {name: "I'm an HTML Tab", type: "html", data: "<center><p>This is <b>HTML</b> content.</p></center>" }, {name: "Here's a Grid", type: "table", data: [[1,2,3,4],[1,4,9,16]], header: ["Value", "Value^2"] } ] )
function openFile( config )
Prompts the user to select one or more files on their computer. Information about the selected files are made available and the contents of the files are optionally read into memory.
Note that this function needs to be called as a direct result of user actions (such as the user clicking on a button). Browser security restrictions will prevent the function from operating if it is not called in response a user actions. Note also that this function is not supported on Internet Explorer 9.
config | A configuration object with the following optional properties: |
multiple | If false, only a single file may be selected; if true, one or more files may be selected at a time. |
accept | A string containing a MIME file type to filter file selection. If defined, only files matching the specified type may be selected. For example, “image/*” may be used to only accept image files. |
read | If defined the selected files will be opened and their contents loaded. Read may either be “binary” in which case the contents is loaded as a binary string, “text” in which case the contents is loaded as a regular text string, or “xlsx” in which case an Excel file is loaded as an object. |
onCompleted | A function to handle results. The openFile function is asynchronous. Once it completes, the callback function is called with the resulting data as a parameter. |
onError | A function to handle the occurrence of an error. |
onSelected | A function fired once files have been selected but before data has been read. |
The openFile function is asynchronous and returns nothing directly. On the successful selection of files, the callback is called with the results.
file | The original file object. |
name | The name of the selected file. |
type | The type of the selected file. |
size | The size of the selected file. |
contents | If is true, the contents in the file is loaded with the specified type. |
// Select a single text file and display its contents openFile({ read: "text", multiple: false, onCompleted: function(result){ alert(result.contents); } });
function runModel( config )
Runs a simulation and optionally returns the results.
config | A configuration object. For compatibility, if set to the Boolean value, equivalent to calling runModel with a configuration object with the silent property set to the boolean value. |
config.silent | If false or undefined, behaves the same way as if the user clicked the run simulation button. If true, no visible response is shown to running the simulation and the results of the simulation are returned as an object. |
config.selectedDisplay | The selected tab in the display, should be a display primitive. |
config.rate | A multiplier to control the speed of the animation in the result window. Use -1 to skip animation. |
config.onSuccess(results) | Callback called when the simulation completes successfully. |
config.onError(results) | Callback called when an error occurs during the simulation. |
config.onPause(results) | Callback called when the simulation is paused. If this is set and a pause interval is defined for the model, then the simulation will be asynchronous and a results object will not be returned directly by the function call. |
If silent is true, returns the simulation results as a results object. If callbacks are defined, the callbacks are called with a results object. This object contains the following properties.
times | The times for each period of the simulation as an array. |
value(primitive) | A function that takes a primitive reference and returns an array of the values that primitive took on over the course of the simulation. |
lastValue(primitive) | A function that takes a primitive reference and returns the last value of the primitive during the simulation. |
window | The results window object (if config.silent is false). |
error | ”none” if no simulation error occurred, otherwise an error message. |
errorPrimitive | The primitive that caused the error. |
resume() | If the simulation was paused, this function may be called to resume the simulation. Please note that Insight Maker currently only supports running a single simulation at a time. When a new simulation is started, any currently paused simulations will be terminated immediately. |
setValue(primitive, value) | If the simulation is paused, allows changing the value of a primitive. Value can be any equation that does not depend on the model state. E.g. “{Cows: 1, Sheep: 2} * 2” is a valid Value, but “[Other Primitive] + 1” is not. |
stochastic | True if the simulation contained an element of randomness. |
# Runs a simulation, and displays the average value of the Stock named "Rabbits" runModel({ onSuccess: function(results){ var sum = 0; for(var i = 0; i < results.times.length; i++){ sum += results.value(findName("Rabbits"))[i]; } showMessage("The average value is: " + sum/results.times.length); } })
# Create interactive run of the model where the primitive "Rate" is adjusted each pause interval runModel({ silent: true, onPause: function(results){ console.log("Simulation Step"); results.setValue(findName("Rate"), prompt("Enter New 'Rate' Value")); results.resume(); }, onSuccess: function(results){ console.log("Simulation Done"); console.log(results); }, onError: function(){ alert("A simulation error occurred."); } });
function setZoom( scale )
Sets the scale of the diagram display.
scale | The diagram scale. If this is a number, then it determine the scale level. 1 means 100%, 0.5 means 50%, 2 means 200% and so on. You also pass one of the following strings: “fit” to fit the model to the diagram area, “actual” to reset the scale, “in” to zoom further in based on the current scale, and “out” to further out based on the current scale. |
function findName( name )
Finds and returns a primitive by its name. If more than one primitive with the same name exists, returns an array of primitives.
name | The name of the primitive to return as a string. Also accepts an array of strings in which case all the primitives named in the array will be returned. |
A primitive. If multiple primitives exist with the same name, an array of primitives will be returned. Returns null if no primitives are found.
function findType( type )
Finds and returns all primitives of a specific type.
type | The type of primitives to return. For instance: “Stock”, “Flow”, “Link”, “Text”, “Button”, “Picture”, “Converter” or “Variable”. An array of type strings may also be passed. |
An array of primitives of the specified type.
function findValue( search )
Finds and returns all primitives whose values match a regular expression.
search | The regular expression to search for. Can also be a string in which case the primitive values will be tested for strict case-sensitive equality against the string. May also be an array of regular expressions and strings in which case any primitive with a value that matches one element of the array will be returned. |
An array of primitives whose values match the regular expression. Returns an empty array if no primitives match.
// Returns all primitives that use the log function var containingLog = findValue(/log\(/i); // Returns all primitives whose value is strictly "1" var isOne = findValue("1");
function findNote( search )
Finds and returns all primitives whose notes match a regular expression.
search | The regular expression to search for. Can also be a string in which case the primitive notes will be tested for strict case-sensitive equality against the string. May also be an array of regular expressions and strings in which case any primitive with a note that matches one element of the array will be returned. |
An array of primitives whose notes match the regular expression. Returns an empty array if no primitives match.
function createPrimitive( name, type, position, size )
Creates a new primitive and adds it to the model. This function is only for node-type primitives not connectors (e.g. flows or links).
name | The name of the primitive to add. |
type | The type of the primitive to add. For example, “Variable” or “Stock”. |
position | The location of the upper-left corner of the primitive in the form: [x, y]. |
size | The dimensions of the primitive in the form: [width, height]. |
The newly created primitive.
function createConnector( name, type, alpha, omega )
Creates a new connector primitive and adds it to the model.
name | The name of the primitive to add. |
type | The type of the primitive to add: “Link” or “Flow”. |
alpha | The primitive that will be at the start of the connector. |
omega | The primitive that will be at the end of the connector. |
The newly created connector primitive.
function isSelected( primitive )
Indicates whether a primitive is selected.
primitive | A primitive to return the selection status for. May also be an array of primitives. |
Whether the primitive is selected or not as a boolean. If an array of primitives was passed to the function, an array of booleans is returned.
function getID( primitive )
Gets the ID of the passed primitive. The ID remains constant even if the name of a primitive changes. The ID is a string.
primitive | The primitive for which the ID is requested. May also be an array of primitives. |
The ID of the primitive as a string. If an array of primitives was passed, returns an array of IDs.
function getConstraints( primitive )
Gets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation.
primitive | The primitive for which the constraints are requested. May also be an array of primitives. |
The constraints of the primitive as an array. The format is [MinimumConstraint, MinimumConstraintMode, MaximumConstraint, MaximumConstraintMode]. Constraint mode is false to disable the constraint and true to enable it.
function setConstraints( primitive, constraints )
Sets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation.
primitive | The primitive for which the units will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same constraints. |
constraints | The constraints of the primitive as an array. The format is [MinimumConstraint, MinimumConstraintMode, MaximumConstraint, MaximumConstraintMode]. Constraint mode is false to disable the constraint and true to enable it. |
function showNote( primitive )
Shows the note for the passed primitive. The note is shown as a closable tooltip next to the primitive. If the note is empty, the note will not be shown.
primitive | The primitive for which the note will be shown. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all have their notes shown. |
function hideNote( primitive )
Hides the note for the passed primitive. The note is shown as a closable tooltip next to the primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the note will be hidden. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all have their notes hidden. |
function showEditor( primitive, annotations )
Shows the value editor for the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the editor will be shown. |
annotations | An optional array containing a list of annotations. Only valid for primitives with equations. |
showEditor(primitive, [{type: "error", row: 7, text: "Incorrect syntax"}])
function getValue( primitive )
Gets the value of the passed primitive. The value depends on the type of the primitive. For instance, the value of stock is its initial value while the value of a flow is its rate.
primitive | The primitive for which the value is requested. May also be an array of primitives. |
The value of the primitive as a string. If an array of primitives was passed, returns an array of values.
function setValue( primitive, value )
Sets the value of the passed primitive. The value depends on the type of the primitive. For instance, the value of stock is its initial value while the value of a flow is its rate.
primitive | The primitive for which the value will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same value. |
value | The new value for the primitive. Can be a number or a string. |
function getPosition( primitive )
Gets the position of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the position is requested. May also be an array of primitives. |
The position as an array of the form [x, y]. The position is measured from the top-left corner of the graph.
function setPosition( primitive, position )
Sets the position of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the position will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same position. |
position | The new position for the primitive in the form [x, y]. The position is measured from the top-left corner of the graph. |
function flash( primitive, opacity, duration )
Temporarily changes the opacity of a primitive. Opacity between 0 (invisible) to 100 (fully opaque).
primitive | The primitive which will be flashed. May also be an array of primitives. |
opacity | Optional temporary opacity for the primitive. Defaults to 0. |
duration | Optional duration the primitive will be at the temporary opacity in milliseconds. Defaults to 100. |
function setShowSlider( primitive, showSlider )
Sets the show slider property of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the show slider property will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same show slider value. |
showSlider | Boolean whether to show the slider. |
function setSliderMin( primitive, sliderMin )
Sets the slider min property of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the slider property will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same slider value. |
sliderMin | The minimum value of the slider. |
function setSliderMax( primitive, sliderMax )
Sets the slider max property of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the slider property will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same slider value. |
sliderMax | The maximum value of the slider. |
function setSliderStep( primitive, sliderStep )
Sets the slider step property of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the slider property will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same slider value. |
sliderStep | The step value of the slider. |
function setOpacity( primitive, opacity )
Sets the opacity of the passed primitive. Opacity is a value between 0 (invisible) to 100 (fully opaque).
primitive | The primitive for which the opacity will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same opacity. |
opacity | The new opacity for the primitive. |
function setLineColor( primitive, lineColor )
Sets the line color of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the line color will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same color. |
lineColor | The new line color for the primitive. |
function setFontColor( primitive, fontColor )
Sets the font color of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the font color will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same color. |
fontColor | The new font color for the primitive. |
function setFillColor( primitive, fillColor )
Sets the fill color of the passed primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the fill color will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same color. |
fillColor | The new fill color for the primitive. |
function getNonNegative( primitive )
Gets the non-negative property of stocks (also applicable to flows). A non-negative stock will never become negative.
primitive | The stock for which the value is requested. May also be an array of stock. |
The non-negative value of the stock. If an array of primitives was passed, returns an array of values.
function setNonNegative( primitive, nonNegative )
Sets the non-negative value of the passed stocks (also applicable to flows).
primitive | The stock for which the non-negative value will be set. May also be an array of stocks in which case they will all be set to the same value. |
nonNegative | The new non-negative status for the stock. Either true or false. |
function getStockType( primitive )
Gets the type of the stock. The type affects the behavior of the stock and may either be “Store” (the default) or “Conveyor”.
primitive | The stock for which the type is requested. May also be an array of stocks. |
The type of the stock as a string. If an array of stocks was passed, returns an array of strings.
function setStockType( primitive, type )
Sets the type of the passed stock.
primitive | The stock for which the type will be set. May also be an array of stocks in which case they will all be set to the same type. |
type | The type of the stock as a string. Either “Store” (the default) or “Conveyor”. |
See getNonNegative and setNonNegative for setting the only-positive property of flows.
function getEnds( connector )
Gets the alpha and omega for the connector
connector | The connector for which the ends are requested. Can also be an array of connectors. |
The alpha and omega as an array: [alpha, omega]. Array elements are returned as null if no connection exists.
function setEnds( connector, ends )
Sets the alpha and omega for a connector.
connector | The connector for which the alpha and omega will be set. May also be an array of connectors. |
ends | The new alpha and omega for the connector as an array: [alpha, omega]. Use null for either alpha or omega to disconnect an end. |
function connected( primitive1, primitive2 )
Determines two primitives are connected by a link, flow, or transition. Alternatively if one of the primitives is a connector, checks if it connects directly to the other primitive.
primitive1 | A primitive. |
primitive2 | A primitive to test whether it is connected to primitive1. |
A boolean. True if the primitives are connected, false otherwise.
function getTriggerType( primitive )
Gets the trigger type of a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the trigger is requested. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
The trigger mode as a string. May be “Timeout”, “Probability” or “Condition”.
function setTriggerType( primitive, trigger )
Sets the trigger type for a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the trigger will be set. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
trigger | The new trigger for the transition or action. May be “Timeout” “Probability” or “Condition”. |
function getTriggerValue( primitive )
Gets the trigger value equation of a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the trigger value equation is requested. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
The trigger value equation as a string.
function setTriggerRepeat( primitive, repeat )
Sets the trigger Repeat property for a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the Repeat property will be set. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
repeat | A boolean determining whether to repeat the trigger |
function getTriggerRecalculate( primitive )
Gets the trigger Recalculate property of a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the property is requested. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
The trigger Recalculate property as a boolean.
function setTriggerRecalculate( primitive, recalculate )
Sets the trigger Recalculate property for a transition or action.
primitive | The transition or action for which the Recalculate property will be set. May also be an array of transitions or actions. |
recalculate | A boolean determining whether to recalculate each time step |
function setData( converter, data )
Sets the data of a converter.
converter | The converter for which the data will be set. May also be an array of Converters in which case they will all be set to the same value. |
data | The data for the converter as a string. A set of input/output pairs separated by semicolons. Example data form: “1,1;2,4;3,9” |
function getConverterInput( converter )
Gets the input source of a converter.
converter | The converter for which the input source is requested. May also be an array of Converters. |
The input source. If the input source is a primitive, returns the primitive. Otherwise returns null (indicating the use of time as the input source).
function setConverterInput( converter, input )
Sets the input source of a converter.
converter | The converter for which the input source will be set. May also be an array of Converters in which case they will all be set to the same value. |
input | The input source. Pass either a primitive or use null to indicate the usage of time as the input. |
function setInterpolation( converter, interpolation )
Sets the interpolation mode of a converter.
converter | The converter for which the interpolation will be set. May also be an array of Converters in which case they will all be set to the same value. |
interpolation | The interpolation mode for the converter as a string. May either be “Linear” or “Discrete”. |
function getAgentPlacement( agents )
The placement method for the agent population.
agents | The agent population for which the placement method will be returned. May also be an array of agent populations. |
The placement method for the agent population. One of “Random”, “Network”, “Grid” or “Custom Function”.
function setAgentPlacement( agents, method )
Sets the placement method for the agent population.
agents | The agent population for which placement method will be set. May also be an array of agent populations. |
method | The desired placemennt method. One of “Random”, “Network”, “Grid” or “Custom Function”. |
function getAgentPlacementFunction( agents )
A custom placement function for the agent population.
agents | The agent population for which the custom placement function will be returned. May also be an array of agent populations. |
The custom placement function for the agent population.
function setAgentPlacementFunction( agents, func )
Sets the custom placement function for the agent population. The placement method should be set to “Custom Function” in order for this function to be used.
agents | The agent population for which the custom placement function will be set. May also be an array of agent populations. |
func | The desired custom placement function. |
function getAgentNetwork( agents )
The network method for the agent population.
agents | The agent population for which the network method will be returned. May also be an array of agent populations. |
The network method for the agent population. One of “None” or “Custom Function”.
function getAgentNetworkFunction( agents )
A custom network function for the agent population.
agents | The agent population for which the custom network function will be returned. May also be an array of agent populations. |
The custom network function for the agent population.
function setAgentNetworkFunction( agents, func )
Sets the custom network function for the agent population. The network method should be set to “Custom Function” in order for this function to be used.
agents | The agent population for which the custom network function will be set. May also be an array of agent populations. |
func | The desired custom network function. |
function setParent( primitive, parent, preserveLoc )
Sets the parent folder for a primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the parent folder will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same parent. |
parent | The parent folder primitive. Use null to remove the primitive from all folders. |
function setFrozen( primitive, frozen )
Sets the frozen state for a primitive.
primitive | The primitive for which the frozen state will be set. May also be an array of primitives in which case they will all be set to the same frozen state. |
frozen | The new frozen state for the primitive. |
function getFolderSolver( folder )
enabled | true is the folder should have its own solver |
algorithm | the solution algorithm. Current allowed values are “RK1” for Euler’s method and “RK4” for a fourth order Runge-Kutta method |
timeStep | the time step for the folder’s solver |
folder | The folder for which the solver is requested. May also be an array of folders. |
The solver object
function excludeType( array, type )
Removes a specific type of primitive from an array of primitives.
array | An array of primitives. |
type | The type of primitives to remove (e.g. “Flow” or “Stock”). May also be an array of types. |
A duplicate of the input array without any primitives of the specified type.
function getGlobal( name )
Gets the value of a global variable. This can allow communication between buttons or the storing of some state.
name | The name of the global variable for which to get the value. |
The value of the global variable specified by name.
setGlobal("Example Var 1", 42); setGlobal("Example Var 2", "test"); var z = getGlobal("Example Var 1"); // z is now set to 42 var y = getGlobal("Example Var 2"); // y is now set to "test"
Shows a message in a dialog window.
function showMessage( message )
Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides a text input for the user to enter a value.
function showPrompt( message, defaultValue )
Shows a prompt in a dialog window and provides the user the option to click “OK” or “Cancel”.
function showChoice( message )
Creates a new web browser window and sets the URL.
function showURL( url )
Downloads a file.
function downloadFile( fileName, data, type )
Creates a display to showcase data.
function showData( title, tabs, size )
Gets the front-most window (if one exists).
function frontWindow()
Closes all open windows.
function closeAllWindows()
Prompts the user to select one or more files on their computer.
function openFile( config )
Runs a simulation and optionally returns the results.
function runModel( config )
Saves the model.
function saveModel( dialog )
Removes all primitives from the model.
function clearModel()
Reorganizes the primitives in the model according to an algorithm.
function layoutModel( algorithm )
Sets the scale of the diagram display.
function setZoom( scale )
Gets the time step used in the simulation.
function getTimeStep()
Sets the time step used in the simulation.
function setTimeStep( timeStep )
Gets the start time for the simulation.
function getTimeStart()
Sets the start time for the simulation.
function setTimeStart( timeStart )
Gets the length of the simulation.
function getTimeLength()
Sets the length of the simulation.
function setTimeLength( timeLength )
Gets the intervals at which to pause the simulation.
function getPauseInterval()
Sets the intervals at which to pause the simulation.
function setPauseInterval( pauseInterval )
Gets the time units of the simulation.
function getTimeUnits()
Sets the time units of the simulation.
function setTimeUnits( units )
Gets the algorithm for the simulation.
function getAlgorithm()
Sets the algorithm of the simulation.
function setAlgorithm( algorithm )
Gets the macros for the insight.
function getMacros()
Sets the macros of the insight.
function setMacros( macros )
Finds and returns a primitive by its name.
function findName( name )
Finds and returns all primitives in the model.
function findAll()
Finds and returns all primitives of a specific type.
function findType( type )
Finds and returns a primitive using its ID.
function findID( id )
Finds and returns all primitives whose values match a regular expression.
function findValue( search )
Finds and returns all primitives whose notes match a regular expression.
function findNote( search )
Creates a new primitive and adds it to the model.
function createPrimitive( name, type, position, size )
Creates a new connector primitive and adds it to the model.
function createConnector( name, type, alpha, omega )
Removes a primitive from the model.
function removePrimitive( primitive )
Highlights a single primitive.
function highlight( primitive )
Finds and returns the currently selected primitives.
function getSelected()
Sets the currently selected primitives.
function setSelected( primitives )
Indicates whether a primitive is selected.
function isSelected( primitive )
Gets the ID of the passed primitive.
function getID( primitive )
Gets the type of the passed primitive.
function getType( primitive )
Gets the name of the passed primitive.
function getName( primitive )
Sets the name of the passed primitive.
function setName( primitive, name )
Gets the units of the passed primitive.
function getUnits( primitive )
Sets the units of the passed primitive.
function setUnits( primitive, units )
Gets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation.
function getConstraints( primitive )
Sets the upper and lower bounds on the passed primitive to test against during simulation.
function setConstraints( primitive, constraints )
Gets the note of the passed primitive.
function getNote( primitive )
Sets the note of the passed primitive.
function setNote( primitive, note )
Shows the note for the passed primitive.
function showNote( primitive )
Hides the note for the passed primitive.
function hideNote( primitive )
Shows the value editor for the passed primitive.
function showEditor( primitive, annotations )
Gets the value of the passed primitive.
function getValue( primitive )
Sets the value of the passed primitive.
function setValue( primitive, value )
Gets the size of the passed primitive.
function getSize( primitive )
Gets the position of the passed primitive.
function getPosition( primitive )
Sets the position of the passed primitive.
function setPosition( primitive, position )
Temporarily changes the opacity of a primitive.
function flash( primitive, opacity, duration )
Gets the show slider property of the passed primitive.
function getShowSlider( primitive )
Sets the show slider property of the passed primitive.
function setShowSlider( primitive, showSlider )
Gets the slider min property of the passed primitive.
function getSliderMin( primitive )
Sets the slider min property of the passed primitive.
function setSliderMin( primitive, sliderMin )
Gets the slider max property of the passed primitive.
function getSliderMax( primitive )
Sets the slider max property of the passed primitive.
function setSliderMax( primitive, sliderMax )
Gets the slider step property of the passed primitive.
function getSliderStep( primitive )
Sets the slider step property of the passed primitive.
function setSliderStep( primitive, sliderStep )
Gets the opacity of the passed primitive.
function getOpacity( primitive )
Sets the opacity of the passed primitive.
function setOpacity( primitive, opacity )
Gets the line color of the passed primitive.
function getLineColor( primitive )
Sets the line color of the passed primitive.
function setLineColor( primitive, lineColor )
Gets the font color of the passed primitive.
function getFontColor( primitive )
Sets the font color of the passed primitive.
function setFontColor( primitive, fontColor )
Gets the fill color of the passed primitive.
function getFillColor( primitive )
Sets the fill color of the passed primitive.
function setFillColor( primitive, fillColor )
Gets the image of the passed primitive.
function getImage( primitive )
Sets the image of the passed primitive.
function setImage( primitive, image )
Gets the non-negative property of stocks (also applicable to flows).
function getNonNegative( primitive )
Sets the non-negative value of the passed stocks (also applicable to flows).
function setNonNegative( primitive, nonNegative )
Gets the type of the stock.
function getStockType( primitive )
Sets the type of the passed stock.
function setStockType( primitive, type )
Gets the delay length of conveyor stocks.
function getDelay( primitive )
Sets the delay length of the passed conveyor stock.
function setDelay( primitive, delay )
Gets the alpha and omega for the connector
function getEnds( connector )
Sets the alpha and omega for a connector.
function setEnds( connector, ends )
Determines two primitives are connected by a link, flow, or transition.
function connected( primitive1, primitive2 )
Gets the residency property of a state primitive.
function getResidency( state )
Sets the residency property of a state primitive.
function setResidency( state, residency )
Gets the trigger type of a transition or action.
function getTriggerType( primitive )
Sets the trigger type for a transition or action.
function setTriggerType( primitive, trigger )
Gets the trigger value equation of a transition or action.
function getTriggerValue( primitive )
Sets the trigger value for a transition or action.
function setTriggerValue( primitive, value )
Gets the trigger Repeat property of a transition or action.
function getTriggerRepeat( primitive )
Sets the trigger Repeat property for a transition or action.
function setTriggerRepeat( primitive, repeat )
Gets the trigger Recalculate property of a transition or action.
function getTriggerRecalculate( primitive )
Sets the trigger Recalculate property for a transition or action.
function setTriggerRecalculate( primitive, recalculate )
Gets the data of a converter.
function getData( converter )
Sets the data of a converter.
function setData( converter, data )
Gets the input source of a converter.
function getConverterInput( converter )
Sets the input source of a converter.
function setConverterInput( converter, input )
Gets the interpolation mode of a converter.
function getInterpolation( converter )
Sets the interpolation mode of a converter.
function setInterpolation( converter, interpolation )
Simulates a press of the passed button(s) firing its action.
function pressButton( button )
Gets the size of the agent population.
function getPopulationSize( agents )
Sets the size of the agent population.
function setPopulationSize( agents, size )
Gets the base agent for the population.
function getAgentBase( agents )
Sets the base agent for the population.
function setAgentBase( agents, folder )
Whether the geometry should wrap across edges.
function getGeometryWrap( agents )
Sets the wrap property for the population area geometry.
function setGeometryWrap( agents, wrap )
Gets the units for the population area geometry.
function getGeometryUnits( agents )
Sets the units for the population area geometry.
function setGeometryUnits( agents, units )
Gets the width for the population area geometry.
function getGeometryWidth( agents )
Sets the width for the population area geometry.
function setGeometryWidth( agents, width )
Gets the height for the population area geometry.
function getGeometryHeight( agents )
Sets the height for the population area geometry.
function setGeometryHeight( agents, height )
The placement method for the agent population.
function getAgentPlacement( agents )
Sets the placement method for the agent population.
function setAgentPlacement( agents, method )
A custom placement function for the agent population.
function getAgentPlacementFunction( agents )
Sets the custom placement function for the agent population.
function setAgentPlacementFunction( agents, func )
The network method for the agent population.
function getAgentNetwork( agents )
Sets the network method for the agent population.
function setAgentNetwork( agents, method )
A custom network function for the agent population.
function getAgentNetworkFunction( agents )
Sets the custom network function for the agent population.
function setAgentNetworkFunction( agents, func )
Collapses a folder or an array of folders.
function collapseFolder( folder )
Expands a folder or an array of folders.
function expandFolder( folder )
Returns whether or not a given folder is collapsed.
function getCollapsed( folder )
Gets the parent folder for a primitive.
function getParent( primitive )
Sets the parent folder for a primitive.
function setParent( primitive, parent, preserveLoc )
Gets the frozen state for a primitive.
function getFrozen( primitive )
Sets the frozen state for a primitive.
function setFrozen( primitive, frozen )
Returns the children of a folder.
function getChildren( folder, recursive )
Gets the type of a folder.
function getFolderType( folder )
Sets the type of a folder.
function setFolderType( folder, type )
Gets the agent parent of a folder.
function getFolderAgentParent( folder )
Sets the agent parent of a folder.
function setFolderAgentParent( folder, agentParent )
function getFolderSolver( folder )
Sets the solver object for a folder
function setFolderSolver( folder, solver )
Removes a specific type of primitive from an array of primitives.
function excludeType( array, type )
Locates the index of a specific primitive in an array of primitives.
function primitiveIndex( array, primitive )
Returns the passed array with duplicated primitives removed
function uniquePrimitives( primitives )
Gets the value of a global variable.
function getGlobal( name )
Determines whether or not the Insight Maker top toolbar (which contains the Run Simulation button and other tools) is currently shown.
function topBarShown()
Toggles the visibility of the top toolbar.
function toggleTopBar()
Determines whether or not the Insight Maker side panel (which contains parameter sliders and information about the selected primitive) is currently shown.
function sideBarShown()
Toggles the visibility of the side panel.
function toggleSideBar()
Refreshes the values in the side panel to reflect any changes in the model.
function updateSideBar()