With this model, you can set Keq and initial concentrations of reactants and products,
With this model, you can set Keq and initial concentrations of reactants and products,
Un modello minimo per la crescita esponenziale di una popolazione microbica
Un modello minimo per la crescita esponenziale di una popolazione microbica
7 months ago
An attempt to model the allegation that over-consumption of calcium causes osteoporosis.
An attempt to model the allegation that over-consumption of calcium causes osteoporosis.
A simple model of honey bee hive population. Not a very good match to reality at this point.
A simple model of honey bee hive population. Not a very good match to reality at this point.
Questo modello usa un'altra ipotesi per la natura (e durata della fase lag). La popolazione N è composta da una frazione di cellule che non crescono NG e una di cellule che crescono immediatamente alla massima velocità, G. Il rapporto fra le due frazioni determina la durata della fase lag
Questo modello usa un'altra ipotesi per la natura (e durata della fase lag). La popolazione N è composta da una frazione di cellule che non crescono NG e una di cellule che crescono immediatamente alla massima velocità, G. Il rapporto fra le due frazioni determina la durata della fase lag
stock flow diagram illustrating the lac operon
stock flow diagram illustrating the lac operon
This is a simulation that represents the populations of lions in the world over the last 200 years.
This is a simulation that represents the populations of lions in the world over the last 200 years.
 ​From Fig 1.1 p11  Pigliucci M and Muller GB (2010)  Evolution: The Extended Synthesis . This is a shift in emphasis from statistical correlation to mechanistic causation (p12), including the conditions for the origin and innovation of traits (p13). It overcomes the  gradualism, externalism and gen

​From Fig 1.1 p11  Pigliucci M and Muller GB (2010) Evolution: The Extended Synthesis. This is a shift in emphasis from statistical correlation to mechanistic causation (p12), including the conditions for the origin and innovation of traits (p13). It overcomes the gradualism, externalism and gene centrism of the Modern Synthesis. Non-gradual change is a property of complex dynamical systems. EvoDevo processes generate particular forms of change rather than others.Genes are followers in the evolutionary process that capture the emergent interactions among environment, development and inheritance into genetic-epigenetic circuits, which are passed to and elaborated on in subsequent generations (p14).

Summary of evolution and the modern synthesis with genetics. See also the more recent extended synthesis  IM-2099
Summary of evolution and the modern synthesis with genetics. See also the more recent extended synthesis IM-2099
This simulation shows how plant, deer and wolf populations impact each other in a deciduous forest ecosystem.
This simulation shows how plant, deer and wolf populations impact each other in a deciduous forest ecosystem.
This simulation shows how plant, deer and wolf populations impact each other in a deciduous forest ecosystem.
This simulation shows how plant, deer and wolf populations impact each other in a deciduous forest ecosystem.
From Fig 12.2 p317 Pigliucci M and Muller GB (2010) Evolution: The Extended Synthesis
From Fig 12.2 p317 Pigliucci M and Muller GB (2010) Evolution: The Extended Synthesis
Un modello minimo per la crescita esponenziale di una popolazione microbica
Un modello minimo per la crescita esponenziale di una popolazione microbica
Un modello per l'effetto della temperatura (costante) sulla crescita di un pericoloso patogeno, agente di tossinfezioni alimentari (Listeria monocytogenes)    __  Il modello è basato su questo Insight https://insightmaker.com/insight/206861/D-model-curve-di-Richards-con-ln-alpha-lag-mu
Un modello per l'effetto della temperatura (costante) sulla crescita di un pericoloso patogeno, agente di tossinfezioni alimentari (Listeria monocytogenes)

Il modello è basato su questo Insight https://insightmaker.com/insight/206861/D-model-curve-di-Richards-con-ln-alpha-lag-mu
62 6 months ago
Een dynamisch model over een prooi predator relatie tussen verschillende populaties onder invloed van abiotische factoren.
Een dynamisch model over een prooi predator relatie tussen verschillende populaties onder invloed van abiotische factoren.