BIO317 Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “BIO317”.

delayed density dependence logistic growth model
delayed density dependence logistic growth model
   Short answer (3a.)   Starting with a growing
population, can you come up with two different scenarios in which  Population
 is neither growing nor declining, by only changing one of the sliders from
the starting conditions? Explain your answer. 

  Populations remain
constant, indicating no growt

Short answer (3a.) Starting with a growing population, can you come up with two different scenarios in which Population is neither growing nor declining, by only changing one of the sliders from the starting conditions? Explain your answer.

 Populations remain constant, indicating no growth or declination in population when the death rate slider is moved to the same value as the birth rate slider. Likewise, when the birth rate is slider is moved to the same amount as the death rate there is no growth or declination in population so there is no growth to offset death and vice versa. We also see no growth or declination when population equals zero.

3b) Short answer (3b.) Is it possible to have a declining population even when Birth Rate and Death Rate are the same on average? Is it possible to have a declining population when Birth Rate is greater than Death Rate on average? Explain your reasoning!

As seen in the graph of comparisons it is possible to have a declining population even when birth and death rates are the same average. In a comparison graph, there were six out of twenty indices that showed how populations could still decline even when birth rate was greater than death rate. An example where a population could decrease and by chance (Genetic drift) is seen by natural disasters like mud slides or fires. However, this is not likely to occur and cause a dramatic crash in population just a decrease. 
