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Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015  keynote video  on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Str
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015 keynote video on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health article
3 2 hours ago
WIP Related to Systems and Complexity in general and Systems Science for Health in particular. Story will unfold different views and orders (moving thru links like a metro journey) for the key participants, initially public health and managers, clinicians, practitioners and researchers and various c
WIP Related to Systems and Complexity in general and Systems Science for Health in particular. Story will unfold different views and orders (moving thru links like a metro journey) for the key participants, initially public health and managers, clinicians, practitioners and researchers and various combinations esp clinician-manager and mental health policy and practice (may be better in kumu esp for the multiple combinations)
 Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance represented in feedback loops, relevant to defensive behaviours, goal conflict in PCT and mental health  From p256 Fig 4.23 of George Richardson (1991) Book Feedback Thought in Social Science and Systems Theory,. Book reviewed  here  

Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance represented in feedback loops, relevant to defensive behaviours, goal conflict in PCT and mental health  From p256 Fig 4.23 of George Richardson (1991) Book Feedback Thought in Social Science and Systems Theory,. Book reviewed here 

5 5 hours ago
World4 is a predictive model for world population. Population has grown hyper-exponentially in the last millenium, with the doubling time decreasing from 900 years  in 1000 CE to a minimum of ~35 years in 1963 CE. Technology is defined as that which decreases the death rate and/or increases the effe
World4 is a predictive model for world population. Population has grown hyper-exponentially in the last millenium, with the doubling time decreasing from 900 years  in 1000 CE to a minimum of ~35 years in 1963 CE. Technology is defined as that which decreases the death rate and/or increases the effective birth rate (i.e. by decreasing infant mortality). Technology grows exponentially, therefore population fits a hyper-exponential (exponent within an exponent). Models for the end of growth are explored using equations that express the ways humans are depleting Earth's biocapacity, the nature of resource depletion, and the relationship between natural resources and human carrying capacity. This simple model, containing just two closed systems, captures the subtle shifts in the population trajectory of the last 50 years. Specifically, hyperexponential growth has given way to subexponential growth. A peak is predicted for the time around 2028.  [Bystroff, C. (2021). Footprints to singularity: A global population model explains late 20th century slow-down and predicts peak within ten years. PloS one, 16(5), e0247214.]
Worl4.6 is a clone of World4.5 for exploring changes. WHat happens if there is a delay in the change of the growth rate? What happens if the fertility rate is a function of resource availability? What happens if climate change causes an increased death rate through catastrophes? What happens if policies are enacted to save wildlife?
zombies bite humans. convert them to zombies.
zombies bite humans. convert them to zombies.