Just as we can use metapopulation models to study the probability of  regional extinction , we can also study  regional abundance  and regional abundance trends.
Just as we can use metapopulation models to study the probability of regional extinction, we can also study regional abundance and regional abundance trends.
Exercise 2, Problem 2b, Projection Matrix
Exercise 2, Problem 2b, Projection Matrix
This is a tandem modified Lotke-Voltera model for a Human/Disease/Nature system. Biocapacity model (land model) replaces exponential growth. Humans with Technology eradicate Disease.
This is a tandem modified Lotke-Voltera model for a Human/Disease/Nature system. Biocapacity model (land model) replaces exponential growth. Humans with Technology eradicate Disease.
This is a tandem modified Lotke-Voltera model for a Human/Disease/Nature system. Biocapacity model (land model) replaces exponential growth. Humans with Technology eradicate Disease.
This is a tandem modified Lotke-Voltera model for a Human/Disease/Nature system. Biocapacity model (land model) replaces exponential growth. Humans with Technology eradicate Disease.