We extended Daisyworld to evaluate the effects of sympatric speciation on regulation. Sympatric speciation occurs when organisms are segregated from each other by functional, rather than spatial, constraints. To emphasize the sympatric aspect of our model we halved the original value of 'q'. The dynamical model contains five potential species: gray, light gray, dark gray, black and white daisies, whose phenotypes differ only in their albedo.
Initially the model contains only gray daisies.
Mutation of gray daisies leads to new daisy types. These new types can
interbreed with their genetic neighbors or mutate even further. These mutations
ultimately lead to black or white daisies.
When two types are functionally different enough they cannot interbreed
and we consider them separate species.
You can change the 'Spread' of albedo between the different daisy types centered at the albedo of the gray daisies and in symmetric shades.
'gamma' is the general death rate for all daisies.
The 'Flow' defines the percentage of the actual population which mutates.
'q' defines the spatial distribution of thermal energy between the dasies.
'Base' is the optimal temperature of the general daisy.
'mu' is the probability of a mutation event.
Our model contains two possible luminosity scenarios. One relates to the increasing luminosity of the original Daisyworld. There is a second scenario implemented, which simulates different pertubations over a normally constant luminosity. To change between the scenarios simply reconnect the 'Absorbed Luminosity' variable with one of the container 'L'. Both scenarios are depicted in the diagram, so no changes are neccessary.