clot Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “clot”.

This is a stock and flow model for the formation of a Thrombus (or blood clot) that keeps track of 4 different types of platelets and 2 other chemicals, namely ADP and Thrombin.
This is a stock and flow model for the formation of a Thrombus (or blood clot) that keeps track of 4 different types of platelets and 2 other chemicals, namely ADP and Thrombin.
This is a stock and flow model for the formation of a Thrombus (or blood clot) that keeps track of 4 different types of platelets (with 2 additional special cases of them) and 2 other chemicals, namely ADP and Thrombin.
This is a stock and flow model for the formation of a Thrombus (or blood clot) that keeps track of 4 different types of platelets (with 2 additional special cases of them) and 2 other chemicals, namely ADP and Thrombin.