it-org Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “it-org”.     Questions for me:  3) Shall we model it as particle or as flow (w/ scaling)?    2) Why did employees leave? Failed AC?  1)What needs to be introduced so that implemented rules work

Questions for me:
3) Shall we model it as particle or as flow (w/ scaling)?  
2) Why did employees leave? Failed AC?
1)What needs to be introduced so that implemented rules work instead of feeding w/ faked history of figures?

Conclusion of 28 NOV: add parameter which reflects legislation

Conclusion of 22 NOV: We need to discover all impacting policies in order to feed the model with given data histories only ... detailed datasets needed (AC, delays, others).
So we need empirical parameter to adjust the calc. As many phenomena we are able to implement the less should be sensitivity, variance of the artificial parameters.