Epidemiology Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Epidemiology”.

A simple SI (Susceptible-Infectious) model that captures the dynamics of COVID-19.
A simple SI (Susceptible-Infectious) model that captures the dynamics of COVID-19.
Ohhigladyoudecidedtolookatthisrightnowinsteadoflikeaweekagoorsomething. Iamfeelingextremelypassiveaggressiverightnow. Emilyisstressedlol Nateisstealingmycomputer LoveyouMitchell<3 HateyousomuchFIXTHISMODEL
SEIRD Model with Hospitalizations
SEIRD Model with Hospitalizations
SEIRD Model with Hospitalizations
SEIRD Model with Hospitalizations
   Evolution of Covid-19 in Brazil:  
  A System Dynamics Approach  
 Villela, Paulo (2020) paulo.villela@engenharia.ufjf.br  This model is based on  Crokidakis, Nuno . (2020).  Data analysis and modeling of the evolution of COVID-19 in Brazil . For more details see full paper  here .
Evolution of Covid-19 in Brazil:
A System Dynamics Approach

Villela, Paulo (2020)

This model is based on Crokidakis, Nuno. (2020). Data analysis and modeling of the evolution of COVID-19 in Brazil. For more details see full paper here.

A simple SI (Susceptible-Infectious) model that captures the dynamics of COVID-19.
A simple SI (Susceptible-Infectious) model that captures the dynamics of COVID-19.