Systemic Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Systemic”.

 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.  Se

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.

See also insight on Boundary Critique

3 4 months ago
In  Leadership & Management: A Structural Perspective  I offered some thoughts regarding what happens when typical management and leadership approaches are applied to a hierarchical organization structure. Having continued to consider the nature of these two activities I would now like to offer
In Leadership & Management: A Structural Perspective I offered some thoughts regarding what happens when typical management and leadership approaches are applied to a hierarchical organization structure. Having continued to consider the nature of these two activities I would now like to offer what I consider to be a systemic perspective. A perspective which differentiates the two based on the structures they foster rather than the particular activities they promote.​
 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.

 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.