economical Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “economical”.

	In this chart, we see Economical factors from the article  "How America's Favorite Baby-Goat Club is Helping Big Ag Take Over Farming in Africa"  	A club called 4-H which encourages children to farm, takes off in Africa. The club uses a seed called the "Pioneer Seed", a seed from Dupont Pioneer, a
In this chart, we see Economical factors from the article "How America's Favorite Baby-Goat Club is Helping Big Ag Take Over Farming in Africa"
A club called 4-H which encourages children to farm, takes off in Africa. The club uses a seed called the "Pioneer Seed", a seed from Dupont Pioneer, a supplier of genetically modified seeds.
The corn grown from these seeds are much better and sell better than the seeds that the African farmers used before.
The children return to their parents from the 4-H club and tell them about the Pioneer seed. The club gives each family some of the seed. It grows amazingly, and farmers want more and more of the seed.
Unfortunately, the seed is extremely costly and only 6 out of 50 farmers who wish to buy it, can actually afford it. This creates a problem. People want to buy the seed so that they can create profit, but none of the farmers can actually afford it.
 Additional Research:    1. DuPont Renewably Sourced Materials Report - I learned how DuPont uses separation, fermentation and chemistry to create high performance crops.  No Author, No Date, Retrieved from:
Additional Research: 
1. DuPont Renewably Sourced Materials Report - I learned how DuPont uses separation, fermentation and chemistry to create high performance crops.
No Author, No Date, Retrieved from:
2. The Science of Hybrid Crops - This article explains the history of hybrid crops.
Reinhart, K. (2003) Living History - Science of Hybrid Crops. Retrieved from: