While understanding the interacting components responsible for the situation is important it is even more important to understand the stakeholders as they are the ones responsible for the interacting components being the way they are.
This is the entry point for the Enabling a Better Tomorrow learning thread. If you haven't previously reviewed the Adventures in Wonderland concept please do so as wandering in this environment is likely to make a lot more sense afterwards.
Effective approaches to situations are developed based on understanding relationships and realizing that if we don't plan to minimize unintended consequences we will most certainly be the victim of them.
If we are to develop a strategy for dealing with a situation we must first understand what has caused the situation to be the way it is. If we don't know why it is the way it is then any action we take is little more than meddling and unlikely to produce the desired result.
While understanding the interacting components responsible for the situation is important it is even more important to understand the stakeholders as they are the ones responsible for the interacting components being the way they are.
Analysis has served us well in developing the understanding of things, at least to a point. Though analysis will not allow us to answer the why questions about things. For that we need synthesis. One might consider analysis and synthesis two sides of a coin that one shouldn't attempt to separate.
Strategy is simply an idea as to how to move the current situation to the desired situation though it is seldom simple by any means. If the strategy is to be successful how numerous elements will be able support each other through the transition must be defined.
Experience has shown there are recurring interactions that tend to unfold in rather well defined ways and produce very distinct patterns of behavior. Identifying these patterns often allows one to quickly identify the interactions and intervene with well defined strategies for doing so.
I've decided I need to keep this so I can have a sense of where I am the development of the puzzle. This is my development road map. Be sure to review Adventures in Wonderland.
Developing a strategy for dealing with a situation begins with a description of the situation and the preferred state for today, not in some distant future, and the perceived implications of not doing anything.
Strategy is simply an idea as to how to move the current situation to the desired situation though it is seldom simple by any means. If the strategy is to be successful how numerous elements will be able support each other through the transition must be defined.
Effective approaches to situations are developed based on understanding relationships and realizing that if we don't plan to minimize unintended consequences we will most certainly be the victim of them.
Our actions are based on our beliefs and the results of those actions are the basis for our beliefs. The difficulty we create for ourselves is that we make assumptions as to how to interpret the results we select based on our beliefs. As a result we are often operating on a flawed perspective of reality.
While understanding the interacting components responsible for the situation is important it is even more important to understand the stakeholders as they are the ones responsible for the interacting components being the way they are.
If we are to develop a strategy for dealing with a situation we must first understand what has caused the situation to be the way it is. If we don't know why it is the way it is then any action we take is little more than meddling and unlikely to produce the desired result.
If we are to develop a strategy for dealing with a situation we must first understand what has caused the situation to be the way it is. If we don't know why it is the way it is then any action we take is little more than meddling and unlikely to produce the desired result.
This is the entry point for the Enabling a Better Tomorrow learning thread. If you haven't previously reviewed the Adventures in Wonderland concept please do so as wandering in this environment is likely to make a lot more sense afterwards.
Effective approaches to situations are developed based on understanding relationships and realizing that if we don't plan to minimize unintended consequences we will most certainly be the victim of them. Context
While all things are related for a particular situation all things are not relevant. We need to develop a simplified model of reality which depicts those interactions which are responsible for the patterns of behavior and current situation. We want the simplest model which enables the requisite understanding. This is no easy task though.
Experience has shown there are recurring interactions that tend to unfold in rather well defined ways and produce very distinct patterns of behavior. Identifying these patterns often allows one to quickly identify the interactions and intervene with well defined strategies for doing so.