My AP Environmental Homework for the Cats Over Borneo Assignment
My AP Environmental Homework for the Cats Over Borneo Assignment
 Work Cited   E., Kaplan. "Biomes of the World: Tundra." Alpine Biome. Hong Kong: Marshall Cavendish Corporation., n.d. Web. 23 May 2017.
Work Cited

E., Kaplan. "Biomes of the World: Tundra." Alpine Biome. Hong Kong: Marshall Cavendish Corporation., n.d. Web. 23 May 2017.
Derived from a classic Lotka-Volterra Model.      Goal:  To illustrate differences between traditional log Frame program logics with Systems Approaches.  
Derived from a classic Lotka-Volterra Model.  

Goal:  To illustrate differences between traditional log Frame program logics with Systems Approaches.  
Adapted Lotka-Volterra Model.  Eco-web: three layer trophic system.  Predator-Prey-Plant simulation    A more detailed description of the model is presented the explanatory  document  on Google Drive
Adapted Lotka-Volterra Model.  Eco-web: three layer trophic system.  Predator-Prey-Plant simulation

A more detailed description of the model is presented the explanatory document on Google Drive
Simulation of food chain cycle by considering few sample variables. changes in the simulation result can be seen with respect to change of variables.
Simulation of food chain cycle by considering few sample variables. changes in the simulation result can be seen with respect to change of variables.
My AP Environmental Homework for the Cats Over Borneo Assignment
My AP Environmental Homework for the Cats Over Borneo Assignment
 Modelo retirado do link     Simples modelo da cadeia alimentar
Modelo retirado do link

Simples modelo da cadeia alimentar