Koala Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Koala”.

 This insight displays some of the main factors effecting the decreasing koala population in South East Queensland, the measures put in place to stop their extinction, and the possible measures that could be taken to further help the conservation effort.

This insight displays some of the main factors effecting the decreasing koala population in South East Queensland, the measures put in place to stop their extinction, and the possible measures that could be taken to further help the conservation effort.
UDB101 Assignment 1D  Koala Population Case Study  Sian Phillips
UDB101 Assignment 1D

Koala Population Case Study

Sian Phillips

My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
  Between 1999 and 2006 Koala population had dropped 26% in Queensland.   By 2008 it was estimated there were around 2300 Koalas with more than a 50% population loss in less than 3 years.   Main threats for Koala survival are a loss of habitat, vehicular trauma, dog attacks, urbanisation, disease an
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
The Koala has suffered extensive habitat loss as the eucalyptus forests 
it depends on for survival are cut down to make room for houses, roads 
and agriculture. But the koala also faces a host of other problems as 
well. For instance, the Foundation says 4,000 koalas a year are killed 
by cars and
The Koala has suffered extensive habitat loss as the eucalyptus forests it depends on for survival are cut down to make room for houses, roads and agriculture. But the koala also faces a host of other problems as well. For instance, the Foundation says 4,000 koalas a year are killed by cars and dogs. Others fall victim to wildfires and diseases and many more. it is estimated that there has been a 50-90% decline of overall koala population(Maxwell et al. 1996)

By Daniel Pepper
The SEQ Koala Population over recent years has suffered due to a number of factors; habitat loss, predators, natural disasters, health issues and road fatalities to name a few.  All the while conservation efforts are being made to aid the population growth of  the national icon.  This insight draws
The SEQ Koala Population over recent years has suffered due to a number of factors; habitat loss, predators, natural disasters, health issues and road fatalities to name a few.  All the while conservation efforts are being made to aid the population growth of  the national icon.

This insight draws together these contributing factors into a single population model (simulation).  This model begins with the known 2006 population and it projected based on current decline rates.  Accuracy is limited, however the downward trend is clearly evident.

Developed by Patrick O'Shaughnessy
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
My thoughts on the reasons for the current population deficit of koalas in SE Queensland as well as some measures to be undertaken to ensure there survival.
What Is Threatening Koalas?  Habitat Destruction Cars Animals Diseases Hunting Natural Causes
What Is Threatening Koalas?

Habitat Destruction
Natural Causes
"Clearing of koala habitat for urban development as well as vehicle hits, dog attacks and disease has severely reduced South East Queensland’s koala population." (Nolan, L. 2012)    This insight into the factors affecting both the increasing and decreasing factors of koala population demonstrates th
"Clearing of koala habitat for urban development as well as vehicle hits, dog attacks and disease has severely reduced South East Queensland’s koala population." (Nolan, L. 2012)

This insight into the factors affecting both the increasing and decreasing factors of koala population demonstrates the link that each part plays on the other. 

William Lowes - 8641960
The SEQ Koala Population over recent years has suffered due to a number of factors; habitat loss, predators, natural disasters, health issues and road fatalities to name a few.  All the while conservation efforts are being made to aid the population growth of  the national icon.  This insight draws
The SEQ Koala Population over recent years has suffered due to a number of factors; habitat loss, predators, natural disasters, health issues and road fatalities to name a few.  All the while conservation efforts are being made to aid the population growth of  the national icon.

This insight draws together these contributing factors into a single population model (simulation).  This model begins with the known 2006 population and it projected based on current decline rates.  Accuracy is limited, however the downward trend is clearly evident.

Developed by Patrick O'Shaughnessy
  Between 1999 and 2006 Koala population had dropped 26% in Queensland.   By 2008 it was estimated there were around 2300 Koalas with more than a 50% population loss in less than 3 years.   Main threats for Koala survival are a loss of habitat, vehicular trauma, dog attacks, urbanisation, disease an
The following regards information revolving around the overall population of koala's in South-East Queensland. Numerous factors that affect the birth rate of koalas are presented to highlight both the negative and positive impacts that are presented to the population.  By Zac O'Brien  n8852901
The following regards information revolving around the overall population of koala's in South-East Queensland. Numerous factors that affect the birth rate of koalas are presented to highlight both the negative and positive impacts that are presented to the population.

By Zac O'Brien

Koala populations in South East Queensland have been plummeting for decades and is only speeding up. Here is a Systems Dynamics model of key factors that increase and decrease the Koala population in SEQ.     Throughout the model it is clear that if SEQ continues to grow with urbanisation and are no
Koala populations in South East Queensland have been plummeting for decades and is only speeding up. Here is a Systems Dynamics model of key factors that increase and decrease the Koala population in SEQ. 

Throughout the model it is clear that if SEQ continues to grow with urbanisation and are not proactive with community awareness, Koala numbers will plummet.

David De Marco