personal-finance Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “personal-finance”.

Demonstrates the effect of weekly income, taxes, and expenses on a checking account.
Demonstrates the effect of weekly income, taxes, and expenses on a checking account.
of your money behavior in your pursuit of FIRE (Financial Independence and
Early Retirement) 

 Simulator is
equipped with additional wealth generation system post FI point - "FI
point buffer". It is additional buffer in % above FI to earn before early
retirement. If you spend on the sa

Simulator of your money behavior in your pursuit of FIRE (Financial Independence and Early Retirement)

Simulator is equipped with additional wealth generation system post FI point - "FI point buffer". It is additional buffer in % above FI to earn before early retirement. If you spend on the same level as before reaching FIRE it will generate additional wealth after you retire and it keeps you secure if your spending increases after you retire.

How to use:

  • ·       <!--[endif]-->Adjust sliders according to your particular situation
  • ·       <!--[endif]-->Run simulation and examine the results
  • ·       <!--[endif]-->Keep all the money numbers in one currency. 
  • ·       <!--[endif]-->Unless specified otherwise sliders are in currency unit

FIRE point is calculated using the rule of 300 (12x25) over your monthly expenses adjusted for taxes at specified rate.

If you wish to stop simulation at the FIRE point change formula in “STOP” variable to “IfThenElse([Investment]>[FI point], Stop(), 0)”