posterior-blepharitis Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “posterior-blepharitis”.

Multiple Cause Diagrams (MCDs) can
be used to find solutions to systemic problems. This diagram tries to explore
treatment options that could theoretically be available to a person who has been
diagnosed with a particular type of blepharitis (inflammation of eye lids). This
type of blepharitis often
Multiple Cause Diagrams (MCDs) can be used to find solutions to systemic problems. This diagram tries to explore treatment options that could theoretically be available to a person who has been diagnosed with a particular type of blepharitis (inflammation of eye lids). This type of blepharitis often leads to 'pink eye' and  'dry eye syndrome'. It  is caused by rosacea of the eye lids, a systemic disease which can only be controlled but not cured.  The MCD also assumes that the patient's tear glands do not produce enough tears, which  further complicates his eye condition.  The broken green lines indicate treatment options.Their aim is to weaken or disrupt links that keep the malignant process going.

Hypothetically a person afflicted by this condition could construct a MCD similar to the one shown, based on authoritative information from his ophthalmologist and bonafide medical websites. It could serve to improve  his /her  understand of their condition and the treatment  available. As such, I believe this diagram demonstrates the usefulness of MCDs.