Assignment Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Assignment”.

A pest known as a grape-leaf hopper can cause considerable losses in vineyards. Periodically it was found that a natural parasite, anagrus epos, drastically reduced the size of the hopper population. This, in turn, led to a reduction in food (hoppers) available to the parasite and the parasite popul
A pest known as a grape-leaf hopper can cause considerable losses in vineyards. Periodically it was found that a natural parasite, anagrus epos, drastically reduced the size of the hopper population. This, in turn, led to a reduction in food (hoppers) available to the parasite and the parasite population declined until the hopper population increased again. This cycle would repeat.It was found that the parasite, anagrus epos, also feeds on a non-pest leaf hopper which feeds on blackberries. By planting small patches of wild blackberries in the vineyards, the growers were able to maintain a stable parasite population that was large enough to control population explosions of both leaf hoppers.
This stimulation shows the buyer rate when prices change in the real estate market.    Price is a function that has an initial value of 200 (200,000$) and it increases the Total Buyer is less than Buyer by 0.5, and decreases when the Total Buyer is greater than Buyer.      Buyer is a function that h
This stimulation shows the buyer rate when prices change in the real estate market.

Price is a function that has an initial value of 200 (200,000$) and it increases the Total Buyer is less than Buyer by 0.5, and decreases when the Total Buyer is greater than Buyer. 

Buyer is a function that has an initial value of 50, and it increases when price is less that the average by 0.5, and decreases by 0.5 when price is greater than the average price. 

The initial buyer increase rate and decrease rate is 0.3

The stimulation when its in initial form shows that buyer rate increases and decreases over time, while price also change over time, slightly. The relationship between the two can vary upon external factors such as the location of the property, how many people are willing to sell their property, financial state etc. 
A pest known as a grape-leaf hopper can cause considerable losses in vineyards. Periodically it was found that a natural parasite, anagrus epos, drastically reduced the size of the hopper population. This, in turn, led to a reduction in food (hoppers) available to the parasite and the parasite popul
A pest known as a grape-leaf hopper can cause considerable losses in vineyards. Periodically it was found that a natural parasite, anagrus epos, drastically reduced the size of the hopper population. This, in turn, led to a reduction in food (hoppers) available to the parasite and the parasite population declined until the hopper population increased again. This cycle would repeat.It was found that the parasite, anagrus epos, also feeds on a non-pest leaf hopper which feeds on blackberries. By planting small patches of wild blackberries in the vineyards, the growers were able to maintain a stable parasite population that was large enough to control population explosions of both leaf hoppers.
The story board runs through the premise of the project with the approach I took
The story board runs through the premise of the project with the approach I took
The story board runs through the premise of the project with the approach I took
The story board runs through the premise of the project with the approach I took
UDB 100 Assignment 1D   This simulation shows the drastic decline in the SEQ koala population due to various issues including human urban development, environmental issues, disease, habitat loss and domestic animals.
UDB 100 Assignment 1D

This simulation shows the drastic decline in the SEQ koala population due to various issues including human urban development, environmental issues, disease, habitat loss and domestic animals.