Corona-Virus Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Corona-Virus”.

A system dynamic model for the COVID-19 case spreading in Puerto Princesa City
A system dynamic model for the COVID-19 case spreading in Puerto Princesa City
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
 Nations are fighting had to try contain CoviD 19 -Corona
virus pandemic worldwide. As of this week a huge number succumbed to the disease
while the infections rates continue to be very high. A majority of the countries
have reported cases of the virus and have resulted to various measures in order

Nations are fighting had to try contain CoviD 19 -Corona virus pandemic worldwide. As of this week a huge number succumbed to the disease while the infections rates continue to be very high. A majority of the countries have reported cases of the virus and have resulted to various measures in order to keep up with the fight. As a treding issue I took I found it wise to model the Covid 19 problem.  Coronavirus Cases:

Latest data shows






A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
4 months ago