Drugs Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Drugs”.

How do drugs affect us on individual and popular levels? Let's take a look at drug addiction as a system and pick it apart based on its biological, financial, mental, and communal effects.
How do drugs affect us on individual and popular levels? Let's take a look at drug addiction as a system and pick it apart based on its biological, financial, mental, and communal effects.
Several scientific studies have shown that a
regime of regular exercise can help drug addicts in fighting their addiction.
This simple CLD tries to illustrate  the
positive social and physical dynamic that sports activity can generate that may
be beneficial in this process. There are also other posi
Several scientific studies have shown that a regime of regular exercise can help drug addicts in fighting their addiction. This simple CLD tries to illustrate  the positive social and physical dynamic that sports activity can generate that may be beneficial in this process. There are also other positive effects of physical exercise that I have not shown. Sports activity  can help increase dopamine levels, which may improve the mood of those fighting drug addiction and  prompt them to stick to their regime of exercises.