Netflix Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Netflix”.

This insight is built to explain the sudden drop in subscription growth of the Netflix company on Q1 of 2016.
This insight is built to explain the sudden drop in subscription growth of the Netflix company on Q1 of 2016.
After a little study of the netflix market, here is a representation of its feedback loops. We can appreciate the positive and negative feedback between each variable present on the netflix market
After a little study of the netflix market, here is a representation of its feedback loops. We can appreciate the positive and negative feedback between each variable present on the netflix market
This is a short story of how Netflix operates in their market.
This is a short story of how Netflix operates in their market.
This model tells the story of the recent in new subscribers of Netflix, an internet television company.
This model tells the story of the recent in new subscribers of Netflix, an internet television company.