Predator Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Predator”.

A system dynamics model of a predator-prey lifecycle relationship
A system dynamics model of a predator-prey lifecycle relationship

Een dynamisch model over een prooi predator relatie tussen verschillende populaties onder invloed van abiotische factoren.
Een dynamisch model over een prooi predator relatie tussen verschillende populaties onder invloed van abiotische factoren.
This is the Forest ecosystem of the Libis, Rd. San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.    Total area: 131,164.69 m² (1,411,844.95 ft²)  Total distance: 1.43 km (4,697.22 ft)
This is the Forest ecosystem of the Libis, Rd. San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. 

Total area: 131,164.69 m² (1,411,844.95 ft²)
Total distance: 1.43 km (4,697.22 ft)
  In the 1920s, mathematicians Vito Volterra and Alfred Lotka independently proposed  a model for populations of a predator species and its prey, such as hawk and  squirrel populations in a certain area. For simplicity, we assume that a hawk hunts  only squirrels and that no other animal eats squirr
In the 1920s, mathematicians Vito Volterra and Alfred Lotka independently proposed
a model for populations of a predator species and its prey, such as hawk and
squirrel populations in a certain area. For simplicity, we assume that a hawk hunts
only squirrels and that no other animal eats squirrels. If the hawk’s only food source
is squirrel and the number of squirrels diminishes significantly, then scarcity of food
will result in starvation for some of the hawks. With reduced numbers of hawks, the
squirrel population should increase.