SUST1001U Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “SUST1001U”.

 The dynamics of household water management with constant water supply and usage rates.        This model simulates the management of water in a household. The “Water Reservoir” stock represents the total amount of water available. The “Water Supply” inflow adds water to the reservoir based on the “
The dynamics of household water management with constant water supply and usage rates.

This model simulates the management of water in a household. The “Water Reservoir” stock represents the total amount of water available. The “Water Supply” inflow adds water to the reservoir based on the “Supply Rate.” The “Water Usage” outflow removes water from the reservoir based on the “Usage Rate.” By adjusting the “Supply Rate” and “Usage Rate,” users can see how conservation efforts impact water availability over time.
3 2 months ago
Brooklin is a small town that is developing quickly and has a younger average population than places like Whitby and Oshawa, therefore giving it a slightly higher birth rate. From when I was a child (Around 2008) it had a population of 15,000, and was estimated at >25,000 in 2018. This simple mod
Brooklin is a small town that is developing quickly and has a younger average population than places like Whitby and Oshawa, therefore giving it a slightly higher birth rate. From when I was a child (Around 2008) it had a population of 15,000, and was estimated at >25,000 in 2018. This simple model is specifically for births and deaths, and doesn't take the fast development of neighbourhoods (i.e. people moving in from other places).
The power dynamics of a fictitious rural community (Bobville). The dynamics illustrate the power needs of Bobville residents and businesses throughout the day and how they change when microgeneration, residential/commercial daytime use, and nighttime use are considered.
The power dynamics of a fictitious rural community (Bobville). The dynamics illustrate the power needs of Bobville residents and businesses throughout the day and how they change when microgeneration, residential/commercial daytime use, and nighttime use are considered.
4 weeks ago
This model simulates a 100 acre organic strawberry farm. The net income of this farm is determined through several factors such as its yield and sales and its harvesting and packaging and labour as well. Adjusting the value of acres can increase farm size and see cost differences and net income diff
This model simulates a 100 acre organic strawberry farm. The net income of this farm is determined through several factors such as its yield and sales and its harvesting and packaging and labour as well. Adjusting the value of acres can increase farm size and see cost differences and net income differences.
This model simulates human population growth on both a global scale and a local scale for Ajax, Ontario. The global population starts at 8 billion and Ajax starts at 121,780 Carrying capacities are set to 12 billion for Earth and 150,000 for Ajax. The model demonstrates the growth, showing how popul
This model simulates human population growth on both a global scale and a local scale for Ajax, Ontario. The global population starts at 8 billion and Ajax starts at 121,780 Carrying capacities are set to 12 billion for Earth and 150,000 for Ajax. The model demonstrates the growth, showing how populations grow and stabilize as they approach their environmental limits.
last month
This model simulates the growth of human populations at a global level and a local level (e.g., Oshawa) using logistic growth principles. It includes components for population size, birth rates, death rates, migration for local population, and carrying capacity. Each stock and flow is described with
This model simulates the growth of human populations at a global level and a local level (e.g., Oshawa) using logistic growth principles. It includes components for population size, birth rates, death rates, migration for local population, and carrying capacity. Each stock and flow is described with units and explanations.
The dynamics of a constant bathtub water level with constant water inflow and water outflow rates.
The dynamics of a constant bathtub water level with constant water inflow and water outflow rates.
 The dynamics of the human population in Oshawa are influenced by the  carrying capacity .     When the population is below the carrying capacity , the  birth rate exceeds the death rate , leading to  population growth .     At the carrying capacity , the  birth rate equals the death rate , and the

The dynamics of the human population in Oshawa are influenced by the carrying capacity.

  • When the population is below the carrying capacity, the birth rate exceeds the death rate, leading to population growth.

  • At the carrying capacity, the birth rate equals the death rate, and the population stabilizes.

  • If the population exceeds the carrying capacity, the death rate surpasses the birth rate, causing a population decline.

This model demonstrates how population growth is controlled by the availability of resources and space.

  • People (Human): Used for stocks like population and carrying capacity. It represents the number of individual humans.
  • People per person per year (Human / Human / Year): Used for rates like birth and death rates, indicating the number of people added or subtracted per person in the population each year.
  • People per year (Human / Year): Used for flows like population change, representing the total number of people added or subtracted from the population annually.
  • Star production was greater at the beginning of the universe, and has slowed down as lots of gases are now trapped in living stars. While this isn't true for every galaxy, this is a model simulating a galaxy where star formation rate is decreasing. Everything is divided by 1 billion as to not have t
    Star production was greater at the beginning of the universe, and has slowed down as lots of gases are now trapped in living stars. While this isn't true for every galaxy, this is a model simulating a galaxy where star formation rate is decreasing.
    Everything is divided by 1 billion as to not have to simulate huge numbers.
    The dynamics of a villages population with constant birth and death rates.
    The dynamics of a villages population with constant birth and death rates.
    last month
    This model displays how the population of the Earth changes. With a larger birth rate than death rate the population increases and heads towards K (carrying capacity). If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will slowly diminish and will move away from carrying capacity.
    This model displays how the population of the Earth changes. With a larger birth rate than death rate the population increases and heads towards K (carrying capacity). If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will slowly diminish and will move away from carrying capacity.
    last month
    This model illustrates the flow of water in a reservoir, with inflows from rainfall and outflows from community water usage. It tracks how the amount of water in the reservoir changes over time, depending on the balance between inflow and outflow. In this example, the inflow from rainfall (2,000 lit
    This model illustrates the flow of water in a reservoir, with inflows from rainfall and outflows from community water usage. It tracks how the amount of water in the reservoir changes over time, depending on the balance between inflow and outflow. In this example, the inflow from rainfall (2,000 liters/day) exceeds the outflow from water consumption (1,500 liters/day + 400 liters/day = 1,900 liters/day), leading to a gradual increase in the reservoir's water level by 100 liters per day. The model demonstrates how fluctuations in rainfall and water usage rates affect the sustainability of water resources, making it useful for understanding water management in changing environmental conditions.
    last month
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    2 months ago
    The dynamics of the human population in Oshawa with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate wh
    The dynamics of the human population in Oshawa with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the population is above carrying capacity.
    Values are in thousands
    This model displays how the population of the Earth changes. With a larger birth rate than death rate the population increases and heads towards K (carrying capacity). If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will slowly diminish and will move away from carrying capacity.
    This model displays how the population of the Earth changes. With a larger birth rate than death rate the population increases and heads towards K (carrying capacity). If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will slowly diminish and will move away from carrying capacity.
    last month
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the popul
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the population is above carrying capacity.
    last month
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    The dynamics of population growth and decline are influenced by a balance between birth rates and death rates, which are affected by various social, economic, and environmental factors. One key concept in population dynamics is the idea of  carrying capacity , which refers to the maximum population
    The dynamics of population growth and decline are influenced by a balance between birth rates and death rates, which are affected by various social, economic, and environmental factors. One key concept in population dynamics is the idea of carrying capacity, which refers to the maximum population size that an environment can sustain indefinitely given the available resources like food, water, shelter, and medical care.

    When a human population is at or near its carrying capacity, the birth rate equals the death rate. In this state, the population size remains stable because the number of individuals being born roughly matches the number of individuals dying. This equilibrium prevents the population from growing any further, as the available resources are just sufficient to maintain the current population size.

    If the human population is below the carrying capacity, the birth rate tends to be greater than the death rate. This is often because there are more abundant resources per person, leading to better health, improved access to necessities, and increased life expectancy. In such conditions, population growth can occur, as more people are being born than are dying, pushing the population size upwards. 

    Conversely, when the human population is above the carrying capacity, the death rate surpasses the birth rate. This can happen when resources become scarce, leading to issues such as malnutrition, lack of access to clean water or healthcare, and increased disease prevalence. As a result, the population may decrease until it returns to a level that can be sustained by the available resources.
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the popul
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the population is above carrying capacity.
    last month
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
    last month
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the popul
    The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the population is above carrying capacity.
    The dynamics of Oshawa’s population are modeled with a carrying capacity, where population growth is influenced by density-dependent factors. At lower population sizes, the birth rate exceeds the death rate, with a maximum birth rate and a maximum death rate. As the population increases and approach
    The dynamics of Oshawa’s population are modeled with a carrying capacity, where population growth is influenced by density-dependent factors. At lower population sizes, the birth rate exceeds the death rate, with a maximum birth rate and a maximum death rate. As the population increases and approaches the carrying capacity, resource limitations cause the birth rate and death rate to equalize. If the population exceeds the carrying capacity, the death rate will surpass the birth rate, gradually reducing population size, stabilizing near equilibrium.