SUST1001U Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “SUST1001U”.

 This model simulates electricity supply and demand in Waniaville, a fictional town with a population of 30,000. It captures inflow from the Ontario energy grid (sourced from nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, biofuel, and natural gas) and outflow to both residential and business consumers. The model also

This model simulates electricity supply and demand in Waniaville, a fictional town with a population of 30,000. It captures inflow from the Ontario energy grid (sourced from nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, biofuel, and natural gas) and outflow to both residential and business consumers. The model also includes micro-generation from residential solar panels, showing how this reduces Waniaville’s dependence on the grid. The aim is to explore how changes in energy demand and solar adoption impact the town’s electricity consumption.

last month
The dynamics of moose (prey) and wolf (predator) populations
The dynamics of moose (prey) and wolf (predator) populations
48 11 months ago
The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
The dynamics of a moose population with constant birth and death rates.
3 last month
This model represents the exponential growth of a Quokka population. Quokka's are a small creature which are native to the Australian continent. This model's inflow are the joey's that enter the initial quokka population through each quokka mother that gives birth. This would be like the faucet turn
This model represents the exponential growth of a Quokka population. Quokka's are a small creature which are native to the Australian continent. This model's inflow are the joey's that enter the initial quokka population through each quokka mother that gives birth. This would be like the faucet turning on in the bathtub model which then adds to the stock. The initial quokka population is the stock according to the bathtub model as previously mentioned in this week's reading by Donella Meadows. The stock is what is already present. So the tub contains water, just like how the initial population of quokka's is present before the addition of baby quokka's, also known as joey's. Finally, the outflow, are the quokka's leaving the population by death. Similar to the bathtub model, this would be similar to the drain, removing the stock from the model. This whole system keeps the quokka population in equilibrium and can also act as a guide to sustainability, as it allows us to view birth and death rates of a population. We can then work with the numbers of this model to decide how we want to approach this population with sustainability in mind. For example, a high birth rate means we would need to find methods to control the population to create a sustainable environment which is able to maintain this population. Overall, this model can help look at population rates, while keeping sustainability in mind. 
last month
 The dynamics of household water management with constant water supply and usage rates.        This model simulates the management of water in a household. The “Water Reservoir” stock represents the total amount of water available. The “Water Supply” inflow adds water to the reservoir based on the “
The dynamics of household water management with constant water supply and usage rates.

This model simulates the management of water in a household. The “Water Reservoir” stock represents the total amount of water available. The “Water Supply” inflow adds water to the reservoir based on the “Supply Rate.” The “Water Usage” outflow removes water from the reservoir based on the “Usage Rate.” By adjusting the “Supply Rate” and “Usage Rate,” users can see how conservation efforts impact water availability over time.
4 last month
The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the popul
The dynamics of a moose population with density-dependent birth rate...the birth rate equals the death rate when the population is at carrying capacity; the birth rate is greater than the death rate when the population is below carrying capacity; the birth rate is below the death rate when the population is above carrying capacity.
44 last month
This complex system models the dynamics of energy demand and consumption within the small, rural town of Uxbridge, ON. The town of Uxbridge, ON has a total population of approximately 21,500 individuals as of 2021. Within this town, there are an estimated total of 8,310 residential dwellings and 855
This complex system models the dynamics of energy demand and consumption within the small, rural town of Uxbridge, ON. The town of Uxbridge, ON has a total population of approximately 21,500 individuals as of 2021. Within this town, there are an estimated total of 8,310 residential dwellings and 855 businesses, all of which consume various degrees of energy from various sources on the daily. 

The inflow of energy, which is stored in Uxbridge's energy grid of available and generated energy (the stock), comes from various means of fuel sources consisting of nuclear, gas, hydro, wind, solar, and biofuel power plants. The energy these sources generate is utilized as a source of power for the residences and businesses of Uxbridge, ON. 

The outflow of energy from Uxbridge's energy grid provides both the residents and businesses of Uxbridge, ON with the energy that they will consume. The demand and thus, total energy consumed by both divisions is dependent on two main variables, those being, the average number of households and/or businesses, and the average electricity consumption for both. There is also the contribution of energy to residents from their own micro-environments, specifically in the form of wind and solar power, which is utilized as a means to reduce the town's dependence on its energy grid and move toward implementing a more sustainable energy system. In such, one can describe the outflow of energy as that which is provided from Uxbridge's energy grid and consumed by residences and businesses in Uxbridge, ON. 

If the demand outweighs the supply, there will not be enough energy generated and therefore, there will not be enough energy available to meet the needs of the town. In opposition, if the supply outweighs the demand, there will be enough energy generated and therefore, be available to meet the needs of the town. It is important to note trends within the data that display and suggest if there is a greater supply or demand for energy within the town, and how this relationship changes throughout various times of the day. 

Note: The amount of energy available that is provided by the various fuel sources, and the consumption by the residences and business of the town can fluctuate and differ throughout different hours of the day. As some sources' generation of energy, such as solar power, are dependent on the degree of available sunlight, the numbers utilized in this model are based off of daily averages but are subject to change. Therefore, the numbers of this graph should not be considered to be accurate for all hours of the day. 

All data used within this model was obtained from the various sources on the internet. The data used within the model is based off of estimate values. Data pertaining to energy information, residential home numbers, and business numbers for Uxbridge, ON was obtained from the following source(s):  



Data for the amount of energy generated per hour in Ontario, as well as per the various fuel types and the energy they generate per hour in Ontario was obtained from the following source(s): 

Plastic Pollution in the world.    The model illustrates the dynamics of plastic pollution in the world, specifically focusing on the cycle of plastic waste. The system includes four key components: recycled plastic, recycled and reused plastic, incinerated plastic, and plastic waste sent to landfil
Plastic Pollution in the world. 

The model illustrates the dynamics of plastic pollution in the world, specifically focusing on the cycle of plastic waste. The system includes four key components: recycled plastic, recycled and reused plastic, incinerated plastic, and plastic waste sent to landfills. Positive and negative feedback loops interconnect these components, influencing the overall flow of plastic through the system.
11 months ago
This model exemplifies the simple system of a bathtub. The total water volume in the bathtub (lWater) at any given time is determined by the water added from the faucet and the water removed through the drain. The volume of water added from the faucet is affected by the water inflow rate, and the vo
This model exemplifies the simple system of a bathtub. The total water volume in the bathtub (lWater) at any given time is determined by the water added from the faucet and the water removed through the drain. The volume of water added from the faucet is affected by the water inflow rate, and the volume of water draining out of the bathtub is affected by the outflow rate. In this model, the total water volume (lWater) increases over time because the inflow rate (0.5L/s) is greater than the outflow rate (0.2L/s).
The UC Davis study gives yields for California, but the yields in Ontario are much less due to the less favourable growing conditions and season length (source: The revenue streams are different for the June-bearing and day-neutral strawberries de
The UC Davis study gives yields for California, but the yields in Ontario are much less due to the less favourable growing conditions and season length (source: The revenue streams are different for the June-bearing and day-neutral strawberries depending on how many acres of each we have due to seasonal and off-season price differences and different yearly yields. The startup cost is the sum of the equipment, irrigation, and plant establishment costs, all of which depend on acres and set rates from the UC Davis study or the "Ontario Berry Crops Establishment and Production Costs 2022 Economic Report". The yearly expenses are labour costs, water cost, and fuel cost, which all depend on the number of acres and price rates for these aspects of the farm.
The dynamics of a codfish population with constant birth and death rates.
The dynamics of a codfish population with constant birth and death rates.
12 months ago
The dynamics of unsustainable power usage with constant
power generation and consumption rates.

 This model simulates a power grid with it's power being
consumed by homes and shopping malls. The unit "Kilowatt" is being used to represent an amount of energy (power). The "Power Grid" stock
The dynamics of unsustainable power usage with constant power generation and consumption rates.

This model simulates a power grid with it's power being consumed by homes and shopping malls. The unit "Kilowatt" is being used to represent an amount of energy (power). The "Power Grid" stock represents the total amount of power that is available at any given time. The “Power Generation” inflow is the amount of power being added to the “Power Grid” based on the “Power Generation Rate”. The “Houses consuming power” and “Shopping malls consuming power” outflows is the amount of power that is being used by the houses and shopping malls based on their respective consumption rate variables. By default it shows an unstable use of power which illustrates how the power grid runs out of power within 24 hours. However, the sliders can be moved around to see how a sustainable amount of power usage can lead to a increase in power held in the power grid.

The dynamics of a human population with density-dependent birth rate. When the population reaches the limit that the environment can support (carrying capacity), births and deaths happen at the same rate. If the population is below this limit, more people are born than die, so the population grows.
The dynamics of a human population with density-dependent birth rate. When the population reaches the limit that the environment can support (carrying capacity), births and deaths happen at the same rate. If the population is below this limit, more people are born than die, so the population grows. If the population goes above the limit, more people die than are born, so the population shrinks
last month
This complex system displays the dynamics of Uxbridge, ON's estimated human population in the year of 2021 by use of density-dependent birth rate. Within this population model, the birth rate equals the death rate when the population of Uxbridge, ON is at its carrying capacity (birth rate = death ra
This complex system displays the dynamics of Uxbridge, ON's estimated human population in the year of 2021 by use of density-dependent birth rate. Within this population model, the birth rate equals the death rate when the population of Uxbridge, ON is at its carrying capacity (birth rate = death rate). Two other scenarios can occur: When the birth rate is greater than the death rate, the population of Uxbridge, ON is below its carrying capacity (birth rate > death rate); when the birth rate is less than the death rate, the population of Uxbridge, ON is above the carrying capacity (birth rate < death rate). 

Note: A complex system is one in which there may be multiple variables which affect the inflow and outflow into and out of the stock. In this specific system, the human population is the stock, and the inflow and outflow is the human population change, which is affected by the human population per capita growth rate. This variable is also impacted by the following variables: carrying capacity, human maximum birth rate, human minimum death rate. It should be noted that this complex system does not include two of the four key factors that influence alterations in population dynamics, those being immigration (inflow into the population) and emigration (outflow from a population). 
This model represents a population with a density-dependent birth rate for the population of the town of Whitby. The birth rate and death rate for the town of Whitby will be equal if the population in this model reaches its carrying capacity (K). When the town of Whitby's population exceeds its carr
This model represents a population with a density-dependent birth rate for the population of the town of Whitby. The birth rate and death rate for the town of Whitby will be equal if the population in this model reaches its carrying capacity (K). When the town of Whitby's population exceeds its carrying capacity, that means that the death rate has exceeded the birth rate. The opposite occurs when the population is below its carrying capacity, which in this case, the birth rate has exceeded the death rate for this population. This model aims to demonstrate what happens to the current population of Whitby when it reaches its carrying capacity (K). 
last month
The population dynamics of rabbits (prey) and foxes (predator) under different birth and death rates for both 
The population dynamics of rabbits (prey) and foxes (predator) under different birth and death rates for both 
11 months ago
A model demonstrating the proportion of different power sources due to the residential and business sector demand in one day, as well as the carbon footprint in kg of CO2 produced. 
A model demonstrating the proportion of different power sources due to the residential and business sector demand in one day, as well as the carbon footprint in kg of CO2 produced. 
 Ayman Town is a fictional municipality located within Ontario, Canada. This model visually represents the balance between energy supply and demand, and consolidates energy from various sources—nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas, solar, and wind—into a  Total Power Supply  that feeds into the town’

Ayman Town is a fictional municipality located within Ontario, Canada. This model visually represents the balance between energy supply and demand, and consolidates energy from various sources—nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas, solar, and wind—into a Total Power Supply that feeds into the town’s power grid. On the demand side, energy consumption is divided into residential and business sectors, factoring in micro-generation (e.g., solar panels) to calculate net demand, or the remaining load that must be met by the grid.

This model highlights the dynamics between traditional and renewable energy sources while showing how decentralized energy generation can reduce grid dependence. By understanding the flow of energy and identifying key drivers of demand, this framework helps guide infrastructure planning, energy policy, and sustainability efforts, ensuring the town’s energy needs are met efficiently and reliably.

4 weeks ago
The changing dynamics of distance and velocity over time according to several variables including, constant acceleration, constant mass, force and work. 
The changing dynamics of distance and velocity over time according to several variables including, constant acceleration, constant mass, force and work. 
11 months ago
 Tanjiopolis is a unique municipality located in northern Canada, known for its extreme seasonal climate where there is six months of very hot summers followed by six months of very cold winters, with no transitional seasons. This distinct environment has driven Tanjiopolis to innovate and thrive, h

Tanjiopolis is a unique municipality located in northern Canada, known for its extreme seasonal climate where there is six months of very hot summers followed by six months of very cold winters, with no transitional seasons. This distinct environment has driven Tanjiopolis to innovate and thrive, harnessing its natural resources to achieve energy independence.

The municipality has invested heavily in a robust infrastructure of solar and wind generators, complemented by a few nuclear power facilities. The nuclear plants operate at only 10% of their maximum capacity during the summer, as the abundant solar energy meets the municipality's power needs. In contrast, during the winter, the nuclear facilities ramp up to 100% capacity to compensate for the reduced solar output due to limited sunlight.

Tanjiopolis takes pride in its commitment to sustainability, reinforced by a government-mandated policy that requires 2 solar panels per residential building, 4 solar panels per small business building, and 6 solar panels per large business building. This ensures that the municipality can sustain a population of 3 million people entirely through renewable energy sources, maintaining a self-sufficient power grid that operates independently from external systems.

 The dynamics of Codfish (prey) and Shark (predator)
populations.   The model showcases a connected population growth of Codfish and
Sharks in an ocean. The model has two positive feedback loops being the
birth-rate of codfish and the birthrate of sharks; and two negative feedback
loops being the de

The dynamics of Codfish (prey) and Shark (predator) populations. 

The model showcases a connected population growth of Codfish and Sharks in an ocean. The model has two positive feedback loops being the birth-rate of codfish and the birthrate of sharks; and two negative feedback loops being the death-rate of codfish and the death-rate of sharks. The stock components of the model link to each other through feedback loops. The feedback loops are the variables of codfish death-rate which depends on the stock of number of sharks, and the variable of shark’s birth-rate which depends on the stock of number of codfish in the ocean/model. 

11 months ago
This is the flow of electricity in homes and business of the fictional town Wilton. The values were based on the projected power plan of the town Milton. In this stimulation, we see how much electricity is coming in from each energy source and how the total energy on the town's power grid is distrib
This is the flow of electricity in homes and business of the fictional town Wilton. The values were based on the projected power plan of the town Milton. In this stimulation, we see how much electricity is coming in from each energy source and how the total energy on the town's power grid is distributed between residents and corporate buildings in Wilton.
This population dynamics model simulates the growth and decline of the Javan Rhinoceros population over time (over course of 50 years). The model focuses on the balance between births and deaths within the population, providing insight into how different factors affect the species' survival and grow
This population dynamics model simulates the growth and decline of the Javan Rhinoceros population over time (over course of 50 years). The model focuses on the balance between births and deaths within the population, providing insight into how different factors affect the species' survival and growth rates. By using constant fertility and death rates, the model reflects the natural dynamics of the Javan Rhinoceros population, illustrating the interplay between reproduction and mortality.
4 weeks ago