WIP Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “WIP”.

Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
 Mais informações no link https://conaenge.com.br/kanban-e-o-limite-de-wip-work-in-progress/   --------------------  Modeling a kanban based project flow.

Mais informações no link https://conaenge.com.br/kanban-e-o-limite-de-wip-work-in-progress/


Modeling a kanban based project flow.

Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Mais informações no link https://conaenge.com.br/kanban-e-o-limite-de-wip-work-in-progress/
Mais informações no link https://conaenge.com.br/kanban-e-o-limite-de-wip-work-in-progress/
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
6 months ago
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock
Shows accumulation based on time of entry and exit from a stock