cov19 Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “cov19”.

A system dynamic model for the COVID-19 case spreading in Puerto Princesa City
A system dynamic model for the COVID-19 case spreading in Puerto Princesa City
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
A system dynamic model for the COV19 spreading on Italy
3 months ago