plastic Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “plastic”.

This is a generalized, (static) Stock and Flow model of plastic through production to waste and pollution of the environment. It is an attachment to the New Community Paradigms blog post  "Dana" Meadows Helps Find Purpose and the Plastic in a System of Plastic Pollution
This is a generalized, (static) Stock and Flow model of plastic through production to waste and pollution of the environment. It is an attachment to the New Community Paradigms blog post "Dana" Meadows Helps Find Purpose and the Plastic in a System of Plastic Pollution
California has proposed a ban on the use of the recycling symbol on items that aren't recyclable. This model shows how this diminished greenwashing will impact CO2 emissions, amount of plastics made and recycled, ecosystem health, and the economy.
California has proposed a ban on the use of the recycling symbol on items that aren't recyclable. This model shows how this diminished greenwashing will impact CO2 emissions, amount of plastics made and recycled, ecosystem health, and the economy.
Marine plastic is rapidly increasing due to increasing production and use of plastic in all economic activities, short use times and long life times of plastic, and large mismanagement of plastic waste. With this, the threat plastic poses to the marine biosphere is also increasing and will continue
Marine plastic is rapidly increasing due to increasing production and use of plastic in all economic activities, short use times and long life times of plastic, and large mismanagement of plastic waste. With this, the threat plastic poses to the marine biosphere is also increasing and will continue to increase over a long time into the future. Risk knowledge is limited and risk perception and awareness are not resulting in significant mitigation efforts. The case study will aim at modeling the use and life cycles of plastic and the transport paths that lead to plastic entering the ocean. The models will be used to simulate possible futures based on a scenario approach. The results of these efforts will be visualized with the goal to increase risk awareness.
Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.
Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.