robots Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “robots”.

This is a flowchart of the starship diagrams
This is a flowchart of the starship diagrams
 ​In a recent report, the World Economic Forum
considered that the use of robots in economic activity will cause far more job
losses in the near future than there will be new ones created. Every economic
sector will be affected. The CLD tries to illustrate the dynamic effects of
replacing human work
​In a recent report, the World Economic Forum considered that the use of robots in economic activity will cause far more job losses in the near future than there will be new ones created. Every economic sector will be affected. The CLD tries to illustrate the dynamic effects of replacing human workers with robots. This  dynamic  indicates that if there is no replacement of the  income forgone by the laid off workers, then the economy will soon grind to a halt. To avoid disaster, there must be enough money in circulation, not parked in off-shore investments, to permit the purchase of all the goods and services produced by robots. The challenge for the government is to make sure that this is  case.