Aquifer Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Aquifer”.

(Status Quo) Case

30 years of historical EAA data  

the past to predict the future 

the status quo case 

the dry portion  and wet portion of AMO
•Average (Status Quo) Case
–Last 30 years of historical EAA data
–Used the past to predict the future
–Represents the status quo case
–Includes the dry portion  and wet portion of AMO cycle
Period Case

25 years of historical dry period on record (1947-1973)-including drought of
record (1947-1956) 

the dry period case 

dry cycle includes dry cycle of AMO and overlay of IPCC climate change
•Dry Period Case
– 25 years of historical dry period on record (1947-1973)-including drought of record (1947-1956)
–Represents the dry period case
–Future dry cycle includes dry cycle of AMO and overlay of IPCC climate change predictions 
(Status Quo) Case

30 years of historical EAA data  

the past to predict the future 

the status quo case 

the dry portion  and wet portion of AMO
•Average (Status Quo) Case
–Last 30 years of historical EAA data
–Used the past to predict the future
–Represents the status quo case
–Includes the dry portion  and wet portion of AMO cycle
Period Case

25 years of historical dry period on record (1947-1973)-including drought of
record (1947-1956) 

the dry period case 

dry cycle includes dry cycle of AMO and overlay of IPCC climate change
•Dry Period Case
– 25 years of historical dry period on record (1947-1973)-including drought of record (1947-1956)
–Represents the dry period case
–Future dry cycle includes dry cycle of AMO and overlay of IPCC climate change predictions 
Period Case

years of historical wet period on record (1974-2004)-including wettest years on
record 1974-1983. 

the wet period case 

to wet cycle of AMO
•Wet Period Case
–30 years of historical wet period on record (1974-2004)-including wettest years on record 1974-1983.
–Represents the wet period case
–Corresponds to wet cycle of AMO