Evaluation Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Evaluation”.

Adapted from ​Systems approaches to public health by Alan Shiell and Penny Hawe See also  Health System Efficiency IM  and specific health outcome logic diagram  example IM
Adapted from ​Systems approaches to public health by Alan Shiell and Penny Hawe See also Health System Efficiency IM and specific health outcome logic diagram example IM
Overview of Evaluation Approaches from Pawson and Tilley's  Book  comparing Realist, Constructivist, Experimental and Pragmatic Evaluation Approaches. Combined with Van de Ven's Alternative Philosophies of Science in his Engaged Scholarship  book . See also Burrell and Morgan's Sociological paradigm
Overview of Evaluation Approaches from Pawson and Tilley's Book comparing Realist, Constructivist, Experimental and Pragmatic Evaluation Approaches. Combined with Van de Ven's Alternative Philosophies of Science in his Engaged Scholarship book. See also Burrell and Morgan's Sociological paradigms webpage
Summary of Ray Pawson's Book The Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto See also  lse review
Summary of Ray Pawson's Book The Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto See also lse review
Summary of Ray Pawson's Book The Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto See also  lse review
Summary of Ray Pawson's Book The Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto See also lse review
 An evaluation rubric for evaluating potential houses and rental properties.     - factors - ellipses  - indicators - rectangles     When evaluating certain factors use the following Likert Scale Mapping:  none/terrible - 0 - 19  some/below average - 20 - 39   average - 40 - 59  very/good - 60 - 79
An evaluation rubric for evaluating potential houses and rental properties.

- factors - ellipses
- indicators - rectangles

When evaluating certain factors use the following Likert Scale Mapping:
none/terrible - 0 - 19
some/below average - 20 - 39 
average - 40 - 59
very/good - 60 - 79
extremely/excellent - 80 - 100