Value Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Value”.

WIP Mostly a combination of Barone 1998 Advanced Personality book and Charles Hampden-Turner 1982 book Maps of the Mind
WIP Mostly a combination of Barone 1998 Advanced Personality book and Charles Hampden-Turner 1982 book Maps of the Mind
2 months ago
 Expansion of  IM-399  A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by  IM-10386  Compare with  IM-622  Context

Expansion of IM-399 A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by IM-10386 Compare with IM-622 Context

 Fig 4.1 p 86 of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works  Book  by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011).  Illustration of the relations among variables that contribute to the value experience. See also Effectiveness  IM-2806

Fig 4.1 p 86 of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works Book by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011).

Illustration of the relations among variables that contribute to the value experience. See also Effectiveness IM-2806

3 months ago
Adapted from ​Systems approaches to public health by Alan Shiell and Penny Hawe See also  Health System Efficiency IM  and specific health outcome logic diagram  example IM
Adapted from ​Systems approaches to public health by Alan Shiell and Penny Hawe See also Health System Efficiency IM and specific health outcome logic diagram example IM
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
WIP based on  right care series  in Lancet and OECD Tackling wasteful spending on health  book   See also Medicines pipeline IM-640
WIP based on right care series in Lancet and OECD Tackling wasteful spending on health book 
See also Medicines pipelineIM-640
 Overview of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works  Book  by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011). See also the value experience  IM-2804  and Regret  IM-15680

Overview of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works Book by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011). See also the value experience IM-2804 and Regret IM-15680

3 3 months ago
Kuvaa IT ratkaisun elinkaaren aikaista arvon muodostumista suhteessa potentiaaliseen arvoon. IT solution on osa käyttösysteemiä, IT:n vaikutukset käyttösysteemiin realisoituvat hyötyinä tai haittoina. Riippuen hyötyjen ja haittojen mittaamistarkkuudesta ja kyvystä arvottaa mittaustuloksia, saadaan r
Kuvaa IT ratkaisun elinkaaren aikaista arvon muodostumista suhteessa potentiaaliseen arvoon.
IT solution on osa käyttösysteemiä, IT:n vaikutukset käyttösysteemiin realisoituvat hyötyinä tai haittoina.
Riippuen hyötyjen ja haittojen mittaamistarkkuudesta ja kyvystä arvottaa mittaustuloksia, saadaan realisoitunutta arvoa. Realisoitunutta arvoa voidaan verrata potentiaaliseen arvoon ja gapin perusteella tehdä korjaavia toimia käyttöön tai mittaamiseen.

Симуляция того, как популяция животного и методы борьбы с браконьерством влияют на цену данного животного на чёрном рынке.
Симуляция того, как популяция животного и методы борьбы с браконьерством влияют на цену данного животного на чёрном рынке.
Simplification of Prevention Investment Framework  (private) IM  See WIP integrating with economic view  insight (private)  and  multiscale version IM private
Simplification of Prevention Investment Framework (private) IM See WIP integrating with economic view insight (private) and multiscale version IM private
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.