Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in  IM-10571 . Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in  IM-12414 . This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, no
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, now without a story, is at IM-11079
 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in  IM-10571 . Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in  IM-12414 . The Master Version of this, with the story added is at  IM-11936  Resplit into 2 areas at  IM-15
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. The Master Version of this, with the story added is at IM-11936 Resplit into 2 areas at IM-15023
 Dynamics of Emergency Room Crowding with treatment spaces and boarders waiting for ward beds (access block if the wait is too long).

Dynamics of Emergency Room Crowding with treatment spaces and boarders waiting for ward beds (access block if the wait is too long).

Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area  IM-11079   Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by  IM-7981 ) WIP
Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area IM-11079  Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by IM-7981) WIP
 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
  Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the
reality of running organisations beyond safe design capacity. From Eric Wolstenholme Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 371–389, (2007)  abstract . See also  IM-1010  for unfolding CLD version. This is a cascade of swamping structures see gene's  insig

Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the reality of running organisations beyond safe design capacity. From Eric Wolstenholme Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 371–389, (2007) abstract. See also IM-1010 for unfolding CLD version. This is a cascade of swamping structures see gene's insight with video link
5 months ago
 A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of  IM-622

A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of IM-622

Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
 Expansion of  IM-399  A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by  IM-10386  Compare with  IM-622  Context

Expansion of IM-399 A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by IM-10386 Compare with IM-622 Context

 This is a launchpad for patient flow insights for flows through the emergency department and hospital, including the broader community context. It also includes links to other insights relevant to ED flow improvement.

This is a launchpad for patient flow insights for flows through the emergency department and hospital, including the broader community context. It also includes links to other insights relevant to ED flow improvement.

WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
BEACH Report 41 A decade of Australian general practice activity 2006–07 to 2015–16  book  University of Sydney 2016
BEACH Report 41 A decade of Australian general
practice activity 2006–07 to 2015–16 book University of Sydney 2016
Clone of  IM-11079  ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous  IM-10571 . Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
Clone of IM-11079 ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous IM-10571. Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model  IM-10346  A simplified stock flow map is at  IM-399
WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model IM-10346 A simplified stock flow map is at IM-399
A general model of flows between hospital and the community. An expanded version is at  IM-623
A general model of flows between hospital and the community. An expanded version is at IM-623
 A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also  IM-3200  for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also IM-3200 for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

5 months ago
WIP Simplified Patient Flow map of features in a SD simulation model of performance of a City Hospital over 5 years. Built after a Regional 20 year planning model  IM-10290  The simulation is a large ithink model built by Mark Heffernan
WIP Simplified Patient Flow map of features in a SD simulation model of performance of a City Hospital over 5 years. Built after a Regional 20 year planning model IM-10290 The simulation is a large ithink model built by Mark Heffernan
6 months ago
 A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain  IM-10386  Expanded in  IM-13966

A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain IM-10386 Expanded in IM-13966

 Dynamics of Emergency Department Crowding Initial View from the waiting room. Follows from  IM-369 Sim  and  IM-340 CLD . Proceed to  IM-349  

Dynamics of Emergency Department Crowding Initial View from the waiting room. Follows from IM-369 Sim and IM-340 CLD. Proceed to IM-349 

WIP Conceptual map of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference. See also the addition of unintended consequences at  IM-7775  and the potential wider context map in  IM-6167 . For a simulation see  IM-8237
WIP Conceptual map of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference. See also the addition of unintended consequences at IM-7775 and the potential wider context map in IM-6167. For a simulation see IM-8237
 This is a simpler version of  Insight 649  showing the flow of Older People among the Community Hospital and Aged Care Residences

This is a simpler version of Insight 649 showing the flow of Older People among the Community Hospital and Aged Care Residences