Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in  IM-10571 . Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in  IM-12414 . This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, no
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, now without a story, is at IM-11079
 Causal loop diagram unfolding story based on Jack  Homer's  paper  Worker burnout: a dynamic model See  IM-333  for the Simulation model and  IM-2178  for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover 

Causal loop diagram unfolding story based on Jack  Homer's paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model See IM-333 for the Simulation model and IM-2178 for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover


13 last month

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.
 Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's SDR   paper  Worker burnout: a dynamic model  See  IM-641  for the Causal loop diagram

Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's SDR  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model  See IM-641 for the Causal loop diagram

3 last month
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in  IM-10571 . Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in  IM-12414 . The Master Version of this, with the story added is at  IM-11936  Resplit into 2 areas at  IM-15
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. The Master Version of this, with the story added is at IM-11936 Resplit into 2 areas at IM-15023
 From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756  Available online  . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the  presentation talk video  is available. The pre

From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756 Available online . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the presentation talk video is available. The presentation  paper abstract is available in System Dynamics Review 2013 here

Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area  IM-11079   Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by  IM-7981 ) WIP
Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area IM-11079  Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by IM-7981) WIP
 A generic stock and flow map of Cancer Screening and Treatment. See also  IM-1525  for a specific Prostate PSA Map and  Reference   See  IM-107014  for a more detailed prostate cancer specific map 

A generic stock and flow map of Cancer Screening and Treatment. See also IM-1525 for a specific Prostate PSA Map and Reference  See IM-107014 for a more detailed prostate cancer specific map 

 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
Clone of  IM-11079  ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous  IM-10571 . Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
Clone of IM-11079 ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous IM-10571. Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
 Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43  paper

Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43 paper

3 3 months ago
 Modified from  Mark Paich et al. 's book : Pharmaceutical product strategy. Fig 4.7 p 69. It formed the basis of a hypertension intervention discussion Aug-Sept 2010

Modified from Mark Paich et al. 's book: Pharmaceutical product strategy. Fig 4.7 p 69. It formed the basis of a hypertension intervention discussion Aug-Sept 2010

Based on diagrams in the NAP 2015  Report  Improving diagnosis in health care process Compare with  IM-885  Clinical judgment to provide context and and Decision Ladder  IM-689  to provide decision process task detail
Based on diagrams in the NAP 2015 Report Improving diagnosis in health care process Compare with IM-885 Clinical judgment to provide context and and Decision Ladder IM-689 to provide decision process task detail
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
 Based on Ransohoff DF, McNaughton Collins M, Fowler FJ. Why is prostate cancer screening so common when the evidence is so uncertain? A system without negative feedback. Am J Med. 2002;113:663-7. See  IM-15991  for a generic Stock Flow Map

Based on Ransohoff DF, McNaughton Collins M, Fowler FJ. Why is prostate cancer screening so common when the evidence is so uncertain? A system without negative feedback. Am J Med. 2002;113:663-7. See IM-15991 for a generic Stock Flow Map

WIP for Effects of Senior Staff Weekend Rostering on ED Flows. Two areas Map simplified later to no specific areas Simulation in  IM-11079
WIP for Effects of Senior Staff Weekend Rostering on ED Flows. Two areas Map simplified later to no specific areas Simulation in IM-11079
From PLOS One  Article  April 2012 Worni, M et al System Dynamics to Model the Unintended Consequences of Denying Payment for Venous Thromboembolism after Total Knee Arthroplasty
From PLOS One Article April 2012 Worni, M et al System Dynamics to Model the Unintended Consequences of Denying Payment for Venous Thromboembolism after Total Knee Arthroplasty
WIP detail of ED Clinical processes with focus on Stabilising and Deciding how to Admit or Discharge safely, the Disposition decision. For more aggregated views see  IM-8237  for flows and  IM-6913  for Physician Delegate Agent Interactions
WIP detail of ED Clinical processes with focus on Stabilising and Deciding how to Admit or Discharge safely, the Disposition decision. For more aggregated views see IM-8237 for flows and IM-6913 for Physician Delegate Agent Interactions
 Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305