From Fig.1 Communication for Social Change: An Integrated Model for Measuring the Process and Its Outcomes/Maria Elena Figueroa et al (2002) paper (may need free registration)
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies see insight
Organization science 2014 article by anderson and lewis which won the 2018 Forrester award from the system dynamics society. Can add simulation experiments in separate insight using article and supplement
From Daniel H Kim (1993) Sloan Management Revew article based on Ch2 of his 1993 MIT PhD Thesis A FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY FOR LINKING INDIVIDUAL AND
Unfolding story summary of Alexandr Bogdanov's Tektology based on James White, Gorelik, Gare, Senalp, Jackson, Edmund Griffiths and others. See also Holland's signals and boundaries IM and Systems Science IM
From Gooch 2011 article JAMIA Computerization
of workflows, guidelines, and care pathways: a review of implementation
challenges for process-oriented health information systems Relevant to Learning insight and Problem Knowledge Coupler insight
Sessions at November 2018 Saskatoon Workshop by Nathaniel Osgood on Combining Data Science and Systems Science for Health See also Youtube video playlist
Launchpad about reorganisation based on Bogdanov's Tektology general theory of organization, perceptual control theory, personal history and current concerns, linked to the modern (or historical) organization of biology and political economy.
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
Visuals of computational methods for dynamic modelling See Systems Science for Health insight launchpad including links to Nate Osgood and KurtK workshop material
GHH: Generalism, Holism Holarchism WIP R. Willamo et al. / Ecological Modelling 370 (2018) 1–13 article (paywalled) and open access version Learning how to understand complexity and deal with sustainability challenges – A framework for a comprehensive approach and its application in university education
WIP Based on Gene's Enabling a Better Tomorrow Map IM-2879 this is a Specific Health Care version based on the archived Systemswiki Health Care material. The focus is on Models and Simulation, with videos and discussion in the fullness of time. I am following Gene's Adventures in Wonderland framework. Revised for More Complex AnyLogic transition at IM-57331
Health Care Decisions Launchpad, showing Policy and Clinical Decisions using A Decision Ladder and Problem Knowledge coupling, supported by Digital Learning Infrastructure.