kurtk Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “kurtk”.

Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj  article , and Ted Marmor's book  chapter  informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy  Insight
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj article, and Ted Marmor's book chapter informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy Insight
An overview of this quantitative systems science method based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops for public health
An overview of this quantitative systems science method based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops for public health
Unfolding story simplified from the  insight  (which includes changes and definitions) interpreting the basic differences between  complex and complicated systems based generally on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's "The Evolving Self"
Unfolding story simplified from the insight (which includes changes and definitions) interpreting the basic differences between complex and complicated systems based generally on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's "The Evolving Self"
An overview of this quantitative systems science method based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops for public health
An overview of this quantitative systems science method based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops for public health
A launchpad overview of computational simulation methods based on Kurt Kreuger's systems science workshops
A launchpad overview of computational simulation methods based on Kurt Kreuger's systems science workshops
Overview of methods with a focus on qualitative or soft systems methods based on kurt kreuger's workshops
Overview of methods with a focus on qualitative or soft systems methods based on kurt kreuger's workshops
Introductory overview of Complexity based on Kurt K Workshops on Systems Science for Public Health 2024
Introductory overview of Complexity based on Kurt K Workshops on Systems Science for Public Health 2024
An overview of hybrid computational simulation methods based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops
An overview of hybrid computational simulation methods based on Kurt Kreuger's workshops
An overview of modelling human behaviour using data and theory driven methods based on Kurt Kreuger's  PhD thesis  and workshops
An overview of modelling human behaviour using data and theory driven methods based on Kurt Kreuger's PhD thesis and workshops