Double loop learning simulation using a hierarchy of an action and intent system based on Perceptual Control Theory. The action system described in a Control Theory  insight  now has an added intent system which changes the internal reference signal for the action system. See also Individual Learnin
Double loop learning simulation using a hierarchy of an action and intent system based on Perceptual Control Theory. The action system described in a Control Theory insight now has an added intent system which changes the internal reference signal for the action system. See also Individual Learning causal loop insight story and Double loop learning causal loop insight story
9 3 weeks ago
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to  initial version
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to initial version
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here . See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE  article  for rumination focuss
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here. See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE article for rumination focussed SD simulation
15 3 weeks ago
Suicide Prevention stock flow and feedback map with unfolding story, revised according to Mark Heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added See   Initial version  and next  version 3
Suicide Prevention stock flow and feedback map with unfolding story, revised according to Mark Heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added See  Initial version and next version 3
16 3 weeks ago
 Prochaska's transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change. See also Agent Based Version IM-11578

Prochaska's transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change. See also Agent Based VersionIM-11578

Simulation based on Control Theory: A model of Organisms System Dynamics Review  article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals.  See also a double loop learning simulation  insight
Simulation based on Control Theory: A model of Organisms System Dynamics Review article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals.  See also a double loop learning simulation insight
4 3 weeks ago
WIP Mostly a combination of Barone 1998 Advanced Personality book and Charles Hampden-Turner 1982 book Maps of the Mind
WIP Mostly a combination of Barone 1998 Advanced Personality book and Charles Hampden-Turner 1982 book Maps of the Mind
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013  book . See also Dynamics in Action  IM-3239  for more on behavior and The Art of the State  IM-11962  for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013 book. See also Dynamics in Action IM-3239 for more on behavior and The Art of the State IM-11962 for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
4 2 months ago
Revised stock-flow feedback map with unfolding story of suicide prevention  intermediate version   according to Mark heffernan's ithink /STELLA simulation model Aug 2017 focussed on regional mental health services Note private WIP version of this is at  IM-77395 (private)  See also  Suicide dynamics
Revised stock-flow feedback map with unfolding story of suicide prevention intermediate version  according to Mark heffernan's ithink /STELLA simulation model Aug 2017 focussed on regional mental health services Note private WIP version of this is at IM-77395 (private)
8 3 weeks ago
Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation  Youtube video  and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at  DecisioTech  See also  Complex Decison Technologies IM  as a more polished version
Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation Youtube video and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at DecisioTech See also Complex Decison Technologies IM as a more polished version
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015  keynote video  on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Str
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015 keynote video on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health article
3 3 weeks ago
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
4 4 weeks ago
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here
WIP based on 2016  article  The Dynamics of Addiction: Craving versus Self-Control. See also insight with additional  nicotine addiction dynamics IM  added
WIP based on 2016 article The Dynamics of Addiction: Craving versus Self-Control. See also insight with additional nicotine addiction dynamics IM added
Grid-Group Culture applied to Public Management based on Christopher Hood's 1998 book. plus excerpts from Schwartz and Thompson's 1990 Book Divided we stand. See also Managing Mess  IM-11581  and FourCultures  Blog  and  Wikipedia Cultural Theory of Risk
Grid-Group Culture applied to Public Management based on Christopher Hood's 1998 book. plus excerpts from Schwartz and Thompson's 1990 Book Divided we stand. See also Managing Mess IM-11581 and FourCultures Blog and Wikipedia Cultural Theory of Risk
2 months ago
  ​Book  (large pdf) by Alicia Juarrero subtitled intentional
behavior as a complex system. Behaviour is action and change in the world,
consisting of the external, mental and social world. Human action is
intentional, meaningful  and hopefully effective.   Behaviours can be: 
Reactive: sense and re

​Book (large pdf) by Alicia Juarrero subtitled intentional behavior as a complex system. Behaviour is action and change in the world, consisting of the external, mental and social world. Human action is intentional, meaningful  and hopefully effective. 

Behaviours can be:
Reactive: sense and respond
Adaptive: anticipate and learn
Generative: innovate and transform.
Which models help produce effective action?

3 3 months ago
From Schluter et al 2017  article  A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017  video .   See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS  article  How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
From Schluter et al 2017 article A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017 video. See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS article How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
9 4 months ago
Showing how positive and negative cycles of action can be represented as a single causal loop diagram (CLD)
Showing how positive and negative cycles of action can be represented as a single causal loop diagram (CLD)
Organization science 2014  article  by anderson and lewis which won the 2018 ​Forrester award from the system dynamics society. Can add simulation experiments in separate insight using article and supplement
Organization science 2014 article by anderson and lewis which won the 2018 ​Forrester award from the system dynamics society. Can add simulation experiments in separate insight using article and supplement
2 months ago