Control Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Control”.

Related tagsHealth Care

Multiple control mechanisms applied to a services framework See also Service delivery governance constraints  IM-3542
Multiple control mechanisms applied to a services framework See also Service delivery governance constraints IM-3542
Double loop learning simulation using a hierarchy of an action and intent system based on Perceptual Control Theory. The action system described in a Control Theory  insight  now has an added intent system which changes the internal reference signal for the action system. See also Individual Learnin
Double loop learning simulation using a hierarchy of an action and intent system based on Perceptual Control Theory. The action system described in a Control Theory insight now has an added intent system which changes the internal reference signal for the action system. See also Individual Learning causal loop insight story and Double loop learning causal loop insight story
9 2 months ago
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to  initial version
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to initial version
 Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand: The Feedback Structure of Markets. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p170 Fig 5-26. A price-mediated resource allocation system..

Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand: The Feedback Structure of Markets. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p170 Fig 5-26. A price-mediated resource allocation system..

This is a causal loop diagram trying to show the effects of constant management approval on time, creativity and frustration. Ultimately nothing gets implemented because the process of doing it drains the organisation of the will to do it :-) (I think)
This is a causal loop diagram trying to show the effects of constant management approval on time, creativity and frustration. Ultimately nothing gets implemented because the process of doing it drains the organisation of the will to do it :-) (I think)
Gross theory of emotion regulation from Saras Chung ISDC 2015   Abstract   See also Tibor Bosse's Computational model  paper
Gross theory of emotion regulation from Saras Chung ISDC 2015  Abstract 
See also Tibor Bosse's Computational model paper
Simulation based on Control Theory: A model of Organisms System Dynamics Review  article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals.  See also a double loop learning simulation  insight
Simulation based on Control Theory: A model of Organisms System Dynamics Review article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals.  See also a double loop learning simulation insight
4 2 months ago
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006  paper  See also the Generic structure  Insight Map
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006 paper See also the Generic structure Insight Map
WIP based on 2016  article  The Dynamics of Addiction: Craving versus Self-Control. See also insight with additional  nicotine addiction dynamics IM  added
WIP based on 2016 article The Dynamics of Addiction: Craving versus Self-Control. See also insight with additional nicotine addiction dynamics IM added
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015  keynote video  on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Str
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015 keynote video on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health article
3 2 months ago
 Similar layout to  CEU insight  based on 2016 Land Use Science  article  on Causal Analysis by Patrick Meyfroidt This is focussed on causal chains

Similar layout to CEU insight based on 2016 Land Use Science article on Causal Analysis by Patrick Meyfroidt This is focussed on causal chains

2 months ago
 Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

Methods and Structures for Control and Resource Allocation
Methods and Structures for Control and Resource Allocation
WIP Addition of  Emotion Regulation IM  to Clone of  IM-9007  Double loop version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article .  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also  IM-9273  for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at
WIP Addition of Emotion Regulation IM to Clone of IM-9007 Double loop version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article.  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at IM-51900
 From p592 Doyle F et al.(2007) Journal of Process Control 17 571-594   abstract

From p592 Doyle F et al.(2007) Journal of Process Control 17 571-594

 A simple model of a PID controller, controlling a valve refilling a leaky water tank.     In the scenario, at T=10 minutes, a faucet is opened for one minute, draining the tank. There's also a constant amount of leakage from the tank at all times.     The best way to play with the PID controller pa
A simple model of a PID controller, controlling a valve refilling a leaky water tank.

In the scenario, at T=10 minutes, a faucet is opened for one minute, draining the tank. There's also a constant amount of leakage from the tank at all times.

The best way to play with the PID controller parameters is to click "Simulate", then click on the "map pin"-shaped icon on the simulation results, which will link the graphs to the model. Without closing the graphs, one can now drag the parameter sliders and see the graphs change.
Clone of  IM 57110  as backup Which is a Clone of  IM-24317  for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on  JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue  articles, esp  Glied article  (paywalled)
Clone of IM 57110 as backup Which is a Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled)
WIP Perceptual Control Hierarchy of Needs linked to Mental Health using suicide crisis as an example based on Mansell 2021 pct and  psychopathology paper  Macintyre2021 pct and  suicide crisis paper  and Carey2014 Method of Levels  paper . See also Cisek and Perez  brain control circuit evolution IM
WIP Perceptual Control Hierarchy of Needs linked to Mental Health using suicide crisis as an example based on Mansell 2021 pct and psychopathology paper Macintyre2021 pct and suicide crisis paper and Carey2014 Method of Levels paper. See also Cisek and Perez brain control circuit evolution IM
2 months ago
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006  paper   Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy  This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory. See  IM-57161  for extension
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006 paper Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory. See IM-57161 for extension
 William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

2 months ago
SD reformulation of  jama psychiatry article  mason2017 on neurocomputational model of mood instability and reward dysregulation in bipolar disorder
SD reformulation of jama psychiatry article mason2017 on neurocomputational model of mood instability and reward dysregulation in bipolar disorder
Clone of  IM-24317  for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on  JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue  articles, esp  Glied article  (paywalled) Backed up generic version at  IM-59166
Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled) Backed up generic version at IM-59166