A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand: The Feedback Structure of Markets. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p170 Fig 5-26. A price-mediated resource allocation system..
From ODI paper . Political constraints and perverse incentives that make development plans not implementable and not implemented. See also Managing health service use IM-17566 Can you close the loops on cause and effect? Can you make it relevant to your own regional services? Could this be put into a CMO Framework IM-1713?
Unfolding story on social effects of stress and abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by Harry Burns IHI London 2015 keynote video on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Also Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health article
The model includes the generic or common requirements applicable to any industry, while industry specific models would expand upon this work the following are generic and actually the same audience regardless of the systems used to Acquire these Party Management Capability components.
Party management capability a component in the five capability model includes the following.
Principles with Customers
Principles with Suppliers
Principles with employees
Definition of a legal relationship determines the customer versus a consumer or a customer of your supplier. A consumer buys through another channel and has no hard dependency with your organization or agency unless your resale channel has not followed through on their agreement to represent your offers.
Stakeholders Board of Directors - Appointed to oversee and assume the organization or agencies legal liability.
C-Level Executives (officers) The employees who manage the day to day activities approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corporate policies.
Business Managers The people managers who direct employees in their responsibilities as inputs to the performance model.
Employees The people who perform the work to enable the companies strategy by knowing their roles and how their outputs impact others in the organization whether direct or indirect.
Quality Standards Stakeholders defined by quality management principles for both customer and suppliers. Risk-Outside In External risk has a higher severity by threatening the brand by risk of reputation with customers and suppliers. Both customers and suppliers are held to the same degree of scrutiny therefore recognize a gap in managing the relationships and interactions within these guidelines.
Dependency and Sox Impact PLC/SDLC The purpose of this model intends to highlight the generic relationships which must be considered HARD and source from a trusted and controlled business process.
Generic infers applicability to any size organization or agency in any industry. Assume the common requirements are highlighted herein.
Enterprise and Business Architect Generic elements with hard dependencies have been modeled and may serve as a reference architecture in any collection or as the service management reference linked to the configuration management db in your records management repository.
Record Management (content/knowledge/information) The record management repository for service, architecture, and project life cycle management often inserts several documents for a project team to subjectively complete during a project. Each document has often been incomplete or inaccurate in review of many companies project artifacts.
Consider the potential value of this model to serve as the master guide in modeling your execution process for any change in the environment.
Cost controls around the business management system with quality and financial fact based records will have the most value to any organization by adopting the Enterprise Business Architecture quality reference architecture.
Value The value would be to manage dependencies whether known by internal stakeholders or unknown in alignment with your corporate policies. Corporate policies are guidelines developed by your board of directors (highest authority) the oversight and legal liability of the organization or agency falls upon the BoD.
The BoD relies upon the officers in the company to enforce and base decisions on the guidelines set forth in the corporate policies.
Unlike functional policies NONE may be written nor promote a higher authority than the corporate policies.
Corporate policies are crafted to supply the procedures and name roles who serve as the trustees and a trustee may delegate some activities within the guide of the Corporate Policies.
General Accounting Principles for private and public organizations or agencies have only semantic relationships which apply to either type of model. By using control charts at the points of the model concepts in combination with the 5 capability models and all associated stock and flow simulation models an organization may better manage complexity introduced by over-correcting in response to either financial or quality audit.
External Risk All companies have two kinds of risk, internal and external. External risk is not subjective nor determined by any single functional business manager nor any single officer. Identification of external risk have hard dependencies highlighted herein the model.
The dynamics of health care spending, or why it keeps growing. Adapted from Fig 7.6 p154 of Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin's PhD thesis SUNY Albany 1993 "The dynamics of health care finance: A feedback view of system behavior."
Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27
Ways of Organizing, perceiving and justifying social relations based on grid-group cultural theory Table 2.1 Clumsy solutions for a wicked world book Marco Verweij, Michael Thompson
A starter on human service delivery derived from IM-621 to introduce the more complex IM-731 generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Clone of IM 57110 as backup Which is a Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled)
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006 paperExploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory. See IM-57161 for extension
The model includes the generic or common requirements applicable to any industry, while industry specific models would expand upon this work the following are generic and actually the same audience regardless of the systems used to Acquire these Party Management Capability components.
Party management capability a component in the five capability model includes the following.
Principles with Customers
Principles with Suppliers
Principles with employees
Definition of a legal relationship determines the customer versus a consumer or a customer of your supplier. A consumer buys through another channel and has no hard dependency with your organization or agency unless your resale channel has not followed through on their agreement to represent your offers.
Stakeholders Board of Directors - Appointed to oversee and assume the organization or agencies legal liability.
C-Level Executives (officers) The employees who manage the day to day activities approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corporate policies.
Business Managers The people managers who direct employees in their responsibilities as inputs to the performance model.
Employees The people who perform the work to enable the companies strategy by knowing their roles and how their outputs impact others in the organization whether direct or indirect.
Quality Standards Stakeholders defined by quality management principles for both customer and suppliers. Risk-Outside In External risk has a higher severity by threatening the brand by risk of reputation with customers and suppliers. Both customers and suppliers are held to the same degree of scrutiny therefore recognize a gap in managing the relationships and interactions within these guidelines.
Dependency and Sox Impact PLC/SDLC The purpose of this model intends to highlight the generic relationships which must be considered HARD and source from a trusted and controlled business process.
Generic infers applicability to any size organization or agency in any industry. Assume the common requirements are highlighted herein.
Enterprise and Business Architect Generic elements with hard dependencies have been modeled and may serve as a reference architecture in any collection or as the service management reference linked to the configuration management db in your records management repository.
Record Management (content/knowledge/information) The record management repository for service, architecture, and project life cycle management often inserts several documents for a project team to subjectively complete during a project. Each document has often been incomplete or inaccurate in review of many companies project artifacts.
Consider the potential value of this model to serve as the master guide in modeling your execution process for any change in the environment.
Cost controls around the business management system with quality and financial fact based records will have the most value to any organization by adopting the Enterprise Business Architecture quality reference architecture.
Value The value would be to manage dependencies whether known by internal stakeholders or unknown in alignment with your corporate policies. Corporate policies are guidelines developed by your board of directors (highest authority) the oversight and legal liability of the organization or agency falls upon the BoD.
The BoD relies upon the officers in the company to enforce and base decisions on the guidelines set forth in the corporate policies.
Unlike functional policies NONE may be written nor promote a higher authority than the corporate policies.
Corporate policies are crafted to supply the procedures and name roles who serve as the trustees and a trustee may delegate some activities within the guide of the Corporate Policies.
General Accounting Principles for private and public organizations or agencies have only semantic relationships which apply to either type of model. By using control charts at the points of the model concepts in combination with the 5 capability models and all associated stock and flow simulation models an organization may better manage complexity introduced by over-correcting in response to either financial or quality audit.
External Risk All companies have two kinds of risk, internal and external. External risk is not subjective nor determined by any single functional business manager nor any single officer. Identification of external risk have hard dependencies highlighted herein the model.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled) Backed up generic version at IM-59166
The model includes the generic or common requirements applicable to any industry, while industry specific models would expand upon this work the following are generic and actually the same audience regardless of the systems used to Acquire these Party Management Capability components.
Party management capability a component in the five capability model includes the following.
Principles with Customers
Principles with Suppliers
Principles with employees
Definition of a legal relationship determines the customer versus a consumer or a customer of your supplier. A consumer buys through another channel and has no hard dependency with your organization or agency unless your resale channel has not followed through on their agreement to represent your offers.
Stakeholders Board of Directors - Appointed to oversee and assume the organization or agencies legal liability.
C-Level Executives (officers) The employees who manage the day to day activities approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corporate policies.
Business Managers The people managers who direct employees in their responsibilities as inputs to the performance model.
Employees The people who perform the work to enable the companies strategy by knowing their roles and how their outputs impact others in the organization whether direct or indirect.
Quality Standards Stakeholders defined by quality management principles for both customer and suppliers. Risk-Outside In External risk has a higher severity by threatening the brand by risk of reputation with customers and suppliers. Both customers and suppliers are held to the same degree of scrutiny therefore recognize a gap in managing the relationships and interactions within these guidelines.
Dependency and Sox Impact PLC/SDLC The purpose of this model intends to highlight the generic relationships which must be considered HARD and source from a trusted and controlled business process.
Generic infers applicability to any size organization or agency in any industry. Assume the common requirements are highlighted herein.
Enterprise and Business Architect Generic elements with hard dependencies have been modeled and may serve as a reference architecture in any collection or as the service management reference linked to the configuration management db in your records management repository.
Record Management (content/knowledge/information) The record management repository for service, architecture, and project life cycle management often inserts several documents for a project team to subjectively complete during a project. Each document has often been incomplete or inaccurate in review of many companies project artifacts.
Consider the potential value of this model to serve as the master guide in modeling your execution process for any change in the environment.
Cost controls around the business management system with quality and financial fact based records will have the most value to any organization by adopting the Enterprise Business Architecture quality reference architecture.
Value The value would be to manage dependencies whether known by internal stakeholders or unknown in alignment with your corporate policies. Corporate policies are guidelines developed by your board of directors (highest authority) the oversight and legal liability of the organization or agency falls upon the BoD.
The BoD relies upon the officers in the company to enforce and base decisions on the guidelines set forth in the corporate policies.
Unlike functional policies NONE may be written nor promote a higher authority than the corporate policies.
Corporate policies are crafted to supply the procedures and name roles who serve as the trustees and a trustee may delegate some activities within the guide of the Corporate Policies.
General Accounting Principles for private and public organizations or agencies have only semantic relationships which apply to either type of model. By using control charts at the points of the model concepts in combination with the 5 capability models and all associated stock and flow simulation models an organization may better manage complexity introduced by over-correcting in response to either financial or quality audit.
External Risk All companies have two kinds of risk, internal and external. External risk is not subjective nor determined by any single functional business manager nor any single officer. Identification of external risk have hard dependencies highlighted herein the model.
From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from SSRN. Extends Insight 779 with Dahlgren and Whitehead's Sunrise Diagram of Social Determinants of Health added. See also wikipedia Capability Approach