Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Replaced by IM-752 Causal Loop Rich Picture unfolding from Repenning, N. and J. Sterman (2002). Capability Traps and Self-Confirming Attribution Errors in the Dynamics of Process Improvement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 265 - 295. http://jsterman.scripts.mit.edu/docs/Repenning-2002-CapabilityTraps.pdf
From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from SSRN Extended slightly in IM-791 so use of this is deprecated.
A starter on human service delivery derived from IM-621 to introduce the more complex IM-731 generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Ghosts (with lighter colors than the original) are used to show which capability has been preserved in transformation (Software developers & Software development methodologies/processes)
Replaced by Map at IM-1918 WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-897 and IM-1897 ideas. http://bit.ly/jCXGKL Replaced by PCT view at IM-9273
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
From NAP Toward Quality Measures for Population Health and the Leading Health Indicators Report with detailed Maternal Infant and Child Health Example Fig.3-5. Compare with WHO NCD Framework picture and IHI Whole system measures 2.0 (Added Nov 2016) See CLD conversion insight
Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095183200800269X. THis overview has a more detailed area in Insight 1077
Replaced by Map at IM-1918 WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-897 and IM-1897 ideas. http://bit.ly/jCXGKL Replaced by PCT view at IM-9273
Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095183200800269X. More detailed part of Insight 1074
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
From Walrave ISDC2014 paper Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations. Similar to the ordinary (efficiency focussed) and dynamic capabilities (explore) insight described by David Teece