Wellbeing Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Wellbeing”.

Examples of macroanalysis relevant to clinical reasoning --assessing individual patient causal mechanisms contributing to deficits in wellbeing from  book  fava guidi sturmey and chapter ethics for judging value from barbosa 2012
Examples of macroanalysis relevant to clinical reasoning --assessing individual patient causal mechanisms contributing to deficits in wellbeing from book fava guidi sturmey and chapter ethics for judging value from barbosa 2012
3 3 months ago
Health specific Clone of Scott Page's Aggregation  diagram  from Complexity and Sociology  2015 article  see also  IM-9115  and SA  IM-1163
Health specific Clone of Scott Page's Aggregation diagram from Complexity and Sociology 2015 article see also IM-9115 and SA IM-1163
WIP summaries of  bill mitchell's blog  postings related to the connections between macroeconomics and wellbeing, particularly via unemployment and inflation
WIP summaries of bill mitchell's blog postings related to the connections between macroeconomics and wellbeing, particularly via unemployment and inflation
WIP Book summary of Frank Stilwell's 2019 Book, The Political Economy of Inequality, Polity Press  podcast and slides
WIP Book summary of Frank Stilwell's 2019 Book, The Political Economy of Inequality, Polity Press podcast and slides
WIP combining the healthy and unhealthy eating turning points Figures 2 and 3 from the Polhuis 2020  article  Salutogenic model of health to identify turning points and coping styles for eating practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus
WIP combining the healthy and unhealthy eating turning points Figures 2 and 3 from the Polhuis 2020 article Salutogenic model of health to identify turning points and coping styles for eating practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Based on 2023  framework  from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
Based on 2023 framework from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
WIP expanding Sense of Coherence using simplified diagrams from super 2016  article ,  amirkhan 2003  article  and polhuis 2020  article
WIP expanding Sense of Coherence using simplified diagrams from super 2016 article,  amirkhan 2003 article and polhuis 2020 article
Summary of Eric Topol's 2019 book Deep Medicine   How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again
Summary of Eric Topol's 2019 book Deep Medicine   How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again
WIP Elements from macroeconomics, neoliberalism and commercial determinants of health frameworks to provide a background to the effects of the universal basic income on health and wellbeing for the first 1000 days. UBI diagram modified from  Johnson2021 article  Expanded in  Insight 2
WIP Elements from macroeconomics, neoliberalism and commercial determinants of health frameworks to provide a background to the effects of the universal basic income on health and wellbeing for the first 1000 days. UBI diagram modified from Johnson2021 article Expanded in Insight 2
WIP Summary of Miller 2015 PCD  article  for the Compelling Case for Prevention Project Scoping Study. See also economic view  IM 69774  (private)  Simplified at  IM-70351 Tool
WIP Summary of Miller 2015 PCD article for the Compelling Case for Prevention Project Scoping Study.
See also economic view IM 69774 (private)
Simplified at IM-70351 Tool
WIP summaries of  bill mitchell's blog  postings related to the connections between macroeconomics and wellbeing, particularly via unemployment and inflation
WIP summaries of bill mitchell's blog postings related to the connections between macroeconomics and wellbeing, particularly via unemployment and inflation
Simple stock-flow and feedback representation based on Fig 9.3 in Monica Erikson's  chapter  in the 2nd Edition of Mittelmark's 2022 Handbook of Salutogenesis
Simple stock-flow and feedback representation based on Fig 9.3 in Monica Erikson's chapter in the 2nd Edition of Mittelmark's 2022 Handbook of Salutogenesis
Based on Norbari APHA  presentation  2016 An agent-based model to examine the impact of unaffordable housing on obesity risk in early childhood, via Kurt Kreuger
Based on Norbari APHA presentation 2016 An agent-based model to examine the impact of unaffordable housing on obesity risk in early childhood, via Kurt Kreuger
WIP combining the healthy and unhealthy eating turning points Figures 2 and 3 from the Polhuis 2020  article  Salutogenic model of health to identify turning points and coping styles for eating practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus
WIP combining the healthy and unhealthy eating turning points Figures 2 and 3 from the Polhuis 2020 article Salutogenic model of health to identify turning points and coping styles for eating practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Based on 2023  framework  from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
Based on 2023 framework from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
2 months ago