Australia Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Australia”.

BEACH Report 41 A decade of Australian general practice activity 2006–07 to 2015–16  book  University of Sydney 2016
BEACH Report 41 A decade of Australian general
practice activity 2006–07 to 2015–16 book University of Sydney 2016
From  Political Compass website  showing political spectrum of Australian political parties contesting Federal elections in 2007-2019
From Political Compass website showing political spectrum of Australian political parties contesting Federal elections in 2007-2019
 Model Explanation   ​ This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime.      The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those wh
Model Explanation 
This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime. 

The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those who are engaged as a member of a community group most to a positive lifestyle state.

Those who do not wish to join or are not engaged in a community group are offered tertiary education. Similarly, those engaged in tertiary education move to a positive lifestyle state. Those who do not seek or engage in tertiary education are alienated from the community. They are at an 80% chance of committing crime. The other 20% voluntarily reengage with society. Once a crime is committed, the individual is either arrested or eludes arrest. The likelihood of arrest varies depending on policing expenditure. An individual who is arrested will be placed on trial and if found guilty will be placed in a correctional facility (either a juvenile detention centre of jail). 


Community engagement participation rates vary depending on the individuals age, with youth more inclined to join a community group. Variance in expenditure is reflected in participation rates in a linear fashion. 

Members of Bourke who are not engaged in community groups are targeted and presented with the opportunity to participate in tertiary education such as the teaching of trade-skills. Those targeted have the same likeliness to participate in tertiary education regardless of age. 

Those who do not seek any for of community involvement are considered alienated and at a high risk of committing crime.  

Sliders have been included to vary the total population size of Bourke, with ratios of Adult to Youth remaining the same. Expenditure can be varied depending on government distribution with the input in dollars. 

It is assumed that all relationships are linear within this model. Individuals who are either in a positive lifestyle or correctional facility are in that state for six months before returning to be part of the population of Bourke.

Interesting Results

Even with no Policing Expenditure, there are times when there are no individuals in a correctional facility if Community Engagement Expenditure and Tertiary Skills Development Expenditure is maximised.  

Australia has an independent national broadcasting service - the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC). The ABC is legally required to be objective, which in practice encourages viewers to be swinging voters. However, the lack of anti-media-monopolisation laws in Australia means that a powerful M
Australia has an independent national broadcasting service - the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC). The ABC is legally required to be objective, which in practice encourages viewers to be swinging voters. However, the lack of anti-media-monopolisation laws in Australia means that a powerful Media Mogul can act as the propaganda arm of a particular party whether it is in majority government or not. The Conservative Liberal-National-Coalition Party​ of Australia always strives to erode, deconstruct and disempower the ABC. The other major party - the Australian Labor Party strongly supports the ABC and its non-partisan mandate. Therefore the political playing field in Australia is definitely not level and the current Government very much likes it that way, so it will never act to curb Rupert Murdoch's powers of influence in the country.
 Model Explanation   ​ This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime.      The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those wh
Model Explanation 
This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime. 

The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those who are engaged as a member of a community group most to a positive lifestyle state.

Those who do not wish to join or are not engaged in a community group are offered tertiary education. Similarly, those engaged in tertiary education move to a positive lifestyle state. Those who do not seek or engage in tertiary education are alienated from the community. They are at an 80% chance of committing crime. The other 20% voluntarily reengage with society. Once a crime is committed, the individual is either arrested or eludes arrest. The likelihood of arrest varies depending on policing expenditure. An individual who is arrested will be placed on trial and if found guilty will be placed in a correctional facility (either a juvenile detention centre of jail). 


Community engagement participation rates vary depending on the individuals age, with youth more inclined to join a community group. Variance in expenditure is reflected in participation rates in a linear fashion. 

Members of Bourke who are not engaged in community groups are targeted and presented with the opportunity to participate in tertiary education such as the teaching of trade-skills. Those targeted have the same likeliness to participate in tertiary education regardless of age. 

Those who do not seek any for of community involvement are considered alienated and at a high risk of committing crime.  

Sliders have been included to vary the total population size of Bourke, with ratios of Adult to Youth remaining the same. Expenditure can be varied depending on government distribution with the input in dollars. 

It is assumed that all relationships are linear within this model. Individuals who are either in a positive lifestyle or correctional facility are in that state for six months before returning to be part of the population of Bourke.

Interesting Results

Even with no Policing Expenditure, there are times when there are no individuals in a correctional facility if Community Engagement Expenditure and Tertiary Skills Development Expenditure is maximised.  

Based on 2023  framework  from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
Based on 2023 framework from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This is a PVA model of Wild Horse (Brumby) populations in Alpine National Park. Using the sliding Annual Harvest flow, we can estimate scenarios of harvest to keep wild horse populations to a healthy level. Estimated carrying capacity of this region is 4000.
This model illustrates the incentive mechanisms established by the Australian regulator and their impact on the investment decisions of Distribution System Operators (DSOs). It captures how these regulatory incentives influence DSOs’ choices between investing in traditional grid infrastructure or em
This model illustrates the incentive mechanisms established by the Australian regulator and their impact on the investment decisions of Distribution System Operators (DSOs). It captures how these regulatory incentives influence DSOs’ choices between investing in traditional grid infrastructure or embracing digitalization technologies. The model integrates various factors, including network requirements, regulatory incentives, and investment strategies, to provide a comprehensive view of how DSOs balance the trade-offs between conventional upgrades and innovative digital solutions. By simulating these dynamics, the model helps to understand how regulatory frameworks can shape investment decisions and drive the evolution of the energy grid.
7 months ago
 Model Explanation   ​ This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime.      The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those wh
Model Explanation 
This simple model highlights key investment areas within the Bourke community that can influence the overall levels of crime. 

The total population of Bourke is split into a percentage of adults and youth who have differing participation rates in community groups. Those who are engaged as a member of a community group most to a positive lifestyle state.

Those who do not wish to join or are not engaged in a community group are offered tertiary education. Similarly, those engaged in tertiary education move to a positive lifestyle state. Those who do not seek or engage in tertiary education are alienated from the community. They are at an 80% chance of committing crime. The other 20% voluntarily reengage with society. Once a crime is committed, the individual is either arrested or eludes arrest. The likelihood of arrest varies depending on policing expenditure. An individual who is arrested will be placed on trial and if found guilty will be placed in a correctional facility (either a juvenile detention centre of jail). 


Community engagement participation rates vary depending on the individuals age, with youth more inclined to join a community group. Variance in expenditure is reflected in participation rates in a linear fashion. 

Members of Bourke who are not engaged in community groups are targeted and presented with the opportunity to participate in tertiary education such as the teaching of trade-skills. Those targeted have the same likeliness to participate in tertiary education regardless of age. 

Those who do not seek any for of community involvement are considered alienated and at a high risk of committing crime.  

Sliders have been included to vary the total population size of Bourke, with ratios of Adult to Youth remaining the same. Expenditure can be varied depending on government distribution with the input in dollars. 

It is assumed that all relationships are linear within this model. Individuals who are either in a positive lifestyle or correctional facility are in that state for six months before returning to be part of the population of Bourke.

Interesting Results

Even with no Policing Expenditure, there are times when there are no individuals in a correctional facility if Community Engagement Expenditure and Tertiary Skills Development Expenditure is maximised.  

Reported services via medicare statistics and healthy communities (hc) PHN reports MBS Statistics Financial Year  P20082 GP Workforce 2000-17  See reports icon for more details
Reported services via medicare statistics and healthy communities (hc) PHN reports
MBS Statistics Financial Year
P20082 GP Workforce 2000-17
See reports icon for more details
Based on 2023  framework  from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
Based on 2023 framework from Australian Treasury mapped into the Salutogenesis framework via social wellbeing
2 months ago