John Kingdon's Theory of Streams in the politics of the policy process. From the  book  Kingdon, John (1999)  Agendas Alternatives and Public Policies . Longman New York. Click on View Story at the bottom left.

John Kingdon's Theory of Streams in the politics of the policy process. From the book Kingdon, John (1999) Agendas Alternatives and Public Policies. Longman New York. Click on View Story at the bottom left.

Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in  IM-10571 . Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in  IM-12414 . This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, no
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, now without a story, is at IM-11079
This is a first attempt at identifying the actors that may need to be involved in the development of the model - at one stage or other.
This is a first attempt at identifying the actors that may need to be involved in the development of the model - at one stage or other.
 From Fig.1 Communication for Social Change: An Integrated Model for Measuring the Process and Its Outcomes/Maria Elena Figueroa et al (2002)   paper  (may need free registration)

From Fig.1 Communication for Social Change: An Integrated Model for Measuring the Process and Its Outcomes/Maria Elena Figueroa et al (2002)  paper (may need free registration)

3 3 months ago
 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

 Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight  584 .

Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight 584.

 Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus 

Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus 

An example to illustrate how a large proportion of a healthcare system could be modelled
An example to illustrate how a large proportion of a healthcare system could be modelled
5 11 months ago
Multiple control mechanisms applied to a services framework See also Service delivery governance constraints  IM-3542
Multiple control mechanisms applied to a services framework See also Service delivery governance constraints IM-3542
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM  Interventions and leverage points added in  IM-1400  (complex!) 
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!) 
 This is a simple SIR infectious diseases 3 stock model with Susceptibles, Infectives and Recovereds stocks. In the initial description the R signified Removed and could include Deaths, Recovered with immunity to infection (Resistant) or those who had fled the epidemic. Note the need to initiate the

This is a simple SIR infectious diseases 3 stock model with Susceptibles, Infectives and Recovereds stocks. In the initial description the R signified Removed and could include Deaths, Recovered with immunity to infection (Resistant) or those who had fled the epidemic. Note the need to initiate the epidemic by adding a pulse of a single infected person at time 0. Compare with Bass Diffusion Model IM-610

 Causal loop diagram unfolding story based on Jack  Homer's  paper  Worker burnout: a dynamic model See  IM-333  for the Simulation model and  IM-2178  for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover 

Causal loop diagram unfolding story based on Jack  Homer's paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model See IM-333 for the Simulation model and IM-2178 for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover


13 2 months ago
 Decision making accuracy depends on ecological validity of indicator uses and subjective use of cues (fallible tangible indicators) Extended to clinical risk and action in  IM-62657  See medical decision making 2016 article  abstract

Decision making accuracy depends on ecological validity of indicator uses and subjective use of cues (fallible tangible indicators) Extended to clinical risk and action in IM-62657 See medical decision making 2016 article abstract

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.
A model of thermostat action including conversions between heat and temperature and outside temperature. See also, after this model, how the concept map of a thermostat at  IM-735  changed to the concept map at  IM-736
A model of thermostat action including conversions between heat and temperature and outside temperature. See also, after this model, how the concept map of a thermostat at IM-735 changed to the concept map at IM-736
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
31 4 days ago
WIP map of ebola in west Africa based on African Affairs  Article  and SEIR framework
WIP map of ebola in west Africa based on African Affairs Article and SEIR framework

 Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus.  The initial parametrization is based on the suggested current data. The initial population is set for Catalonia.

Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus.

The initial parametrization is based on the suggested current data. The initial population is set for Catalonia.

 Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to  initial version
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to initial version
 Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand: The Feedback Structure of Markets. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p170 Fig 5-26. A price-mediated resource allocation system..

Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand: The Feedback Structure of Markets. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p170 Fig 5-26. A price-mediated resource allocation system..

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
9 6 months ago