A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!)
An overview of Thomas A Goudge's Book on The Thought of CS Peirce Dover NY 1950 and Thomas Knight's Book Charles Peirce NY 1965. See also causality insight
Aim: To gain insight into what map and model representations in applied systems methods in IM-1267 can assist identifying and explaining the improvement strategies (leverage points) described by Donella Meadows Places to Intervene Article. The context is social learning for collective action to improve real world events. Information Sources are adapted from IM-920
Clone of IM-806 modified to integrate AnyLogic Real world, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and Land Use Modelling approaches. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM