Cognition Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Cognition”.

Ways of Organizing, perceiving and justifying social relations based on grid-group cultural theory Table 2.1  Clumsy solutions for a wicked world book  Marco Verweij, Michael Thompson
Ways of Organizing, perceiving and justifying social relations based on grid-group cultural theory Table 2.1 Clumsy solutions for a wicked world book Marco Verweij, Michael Thompson
Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
WIP Summary of Science 2019  article  Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
WIP Summary of Science 2019 article Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
Team Learning Insight from Book by Ed Hutchins MIT Press 1995  online  For MIcronesian Navigation see  webpage
Team Learning Insight from Book by Ed Hutchins MIT Press 1995 online For MIcronesian Navigation see webpage
 Adapted from Fig 7.1 p.269 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

Adapted from Fig 7.1 p.269 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

WIP Summary of Lisa Rosenbaum's Feb 2019 NEJM 3 articles and audiocast .  1  Divided We Fall   2  Cursed by Knowledge   3  Not My Problem    Framework from Lintern 2018  article  diagrams on Team cognition. See also   Core theory of success IM
WIP Summary of Lisa Rosenbaum's Feb 2019 NEJM 3 articles and audiocast . 
Not My Problem
 Framework from Lintern 2018 article diagrams on Team cognition. See also  Core theory of success IM
Hoffman and Klein IEEE Intelligent systems 2017-18 series of articles on decision making and computing, including macrocognition 1  theoretical foundations  abstract  2  empirical foundations  abstract  3  causal landscape s abstract  4  deep n ets abstract   See also 2018 Gary Klein  podcast  and 
Hoffman and Klein IEEE Intelligent systems 2017-18 series of articles on decision making and computing, including macrocognition
causal landscapes abstract
deep nets abstract 
See also 2018 Gary Klein podcast and IM-171552
  Challenge:  How can an agent composed of a separate observer and an actor, part of a social system with symbolic knowledge, learn to act in a way that accurately estimates its environment without dramatically changing it?          INSPIRATION     "Two birds living together, each the friend of the
Challenge: How can an agent composed of a separate observer and an actor, part of a social system with symbolic knowledge, learn to act in a way that accurately estimates its environment without dramatically changing it?

"Two birds living together, each the friend of the other, perch upon the same tree. 
Of these two, one eats the sweet fruit of the tree, but the other simply looks on without eating."


- The two birds are the Jiva and Isvara, both existing in an individual compared to a tree. 

- They exist together as the reflection and the original. 

- They both manifest themselves in different ways in every individual. 

- From the characteristics of the Jiva it is possible to infer the nature of Isvara, and from the nature of Isvara it is possible to determine the potentialities of the Jiva. 

- Both the Jiva and Isvara have a common substratum which is Brahman and which is the reality of both.

SOURCE: Mundaka Upanishad, 3rd Mundaka, 1st Khanda, shruti 1; Shwekishwatara Upanishad, 4th Adhyāya, shruti 6. 

Hoffman and Klein IEEE Intelligent systems 2017-18 series of articles on decision making and computing, including macrocognition 1  theoretical foundations  abstract  2  empirical foundations  abstract  3  causal landscape s abstract  4  deep n ets abstract   See also 2018 Gary Klein  podcast  and 
Hoffman and Klein IEEE Intelligent systems 2017-18 series of articles on decision making and computing, including macrocognition
causal landscapes abstract
deep nets abstract 
See also 2018 Gary Klein podcast and IM-171552