Participation Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Participation”.

WIP Summary of Science 2019  article  Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
WIP Summary of Science 2019 article Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
Feedback is a crucial element to classroom dynamics. Here I try to simulate the impact of various elements of student behavior on both individual and class performance.
Feedback is a crucial element to classroom dynamics. Here I try to simulate the impact of various elements of student behavior on both individual and class performance.
11 months ago
Feedback is a crucial element to classroom dynamics. Here I try to simulate the impact of various elements of student behavior on both individual and class performance.
Feedback is a crucial element to classroom dynamics. Here I try to simulate the impact of various elements of student behavior on both individual and class performance.
11 months ago
New Power Book summary about platform participation by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms 2018  book  and 2014  hbr article  See also videos  TED talk 2014  and  Talk at Google 2018
New Power Book summary about platform participation by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms 2018 book and 2014 hbr article See also videos TED talk 2014 and Talk at Google 2018